Paul Harris Awards

Greg Faldyn presented several Paul Harris Fellowships awards at our last meeting.
Wayne Uecker PH+7 and Tom Fox PH+1 both were awarded The Paul Harris Fellowship
The Paul Harris awards are named after of one of the founding members of Rotary.  The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation.
Paul Harris Awards Jimmy Hutto 2025-02-12 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

The next Blood Drive will be February 19, from 10-3, at Crenwelge Motors in Kerrville.
Trash pickup on Goat Creek Rd: Meet at Talley Elementary, Feb. 22
The Main Event Caino Night is scheduled for March 29 at Comanche Trace. This is our once a year main fundraiser. Silent auction items are needed, so please consider donating items for the event. Please consider volunteering for this event.
Greg Faldyn talks about 100 year program                                     Layng Guerrieo let us know about blood drive
Trey let us know about Casino Night!
Rotary News you can Use Jimmy Hutto 2025-02-12 06:00:00Z 0


Posted by Jimmy Hutto on Feb. 12, 2025

The Spoke is searching for you!

Our newsletter is on the hunt for talented individuals who are eager to contribute their unique perspectives on a variety of topics. Whether you're an expert in technology, a connoisseur of culture, a wizard with words, or a storyteller extraordinaire, we want to hear from you!

Join us in crafting engaging, thought-provoking content that informs, inspires, and entertains our readers. As a contributor, you'll have the opportunity to showcase your writing skills, build your portfolio, and connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for knowledge-sharing.

We will show you how to go through the simple steps and provide any assistance that you need. The steps create The Spoke and update the club web page at the same time. Extensive computer skills are not a requirement.

This is a great way to learn about our club. It is also an easy way to

contribute to the club on your own schedule. Contact Jimmy Hutto, Kate Allen, David Martin, or Sue Whinnery.

THE SPOKE IS LOOKING FOR WRITERS Jimmy Hutto 2025-02-12 06:00:00Z 0

Wine is Fine

Tom Hamilton was wearing his Rotary pin when his name was called, so he won a bottle of wine. Presenting the bottle is wine team member  Bill Tucker & Woody.
Way to go Tom !!
                                                                                                                  Woody telling us about how to show folk you know about wine!!!
Wine is Fine Tom Hamilton 2025-02-12 06:00:00Z 0

George's Song

George Eychner led us in a song about Super Bowl
George's Song George Eychner 2025-02-12 06:00:00Z 0
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance Craig Greenway 2025-02-12 06:00:00Z 0

Kristi Rings the Bell

Posted by Kristi Shepherd on Feb. 12, 2025
Kristi rings the bell. 

Kristi Rings the Bell Kristi Shepherd 2025-02-12 06:00:00Z 0

Kerrville's Comprehensive Plan

Last Wednesday we heard about the updates for Kerrville's 2050 plan, which is a comprehensive tool to guide city officials in future decisions regarding planning and preparing for the inevitable growth in our area.
Caroline Stewart, an assistant project manager with consultant Freese and Nichols, provided an overview of  the plan and updates. Dew Paxton, The City of Kerrville's Planner also fielded questions from the club.  The project scope included Housing Analysis and Strategic Plan updates, Community Analysis, Kerrville's Market Analysis, Land Use and thoroughfare plans, Infrastructure and Economic Development.
In addition to reviewing the city as a whole, specific areas were highlighted including downtown, Nimitz Lake, and connectivity to Schreiner University.
Kerrville's Comprehensive Plan David A Martin 2025-02-05 06:00:00Z 0
Invocation and Pledge David A Martin 2025-02-05 06:00:00Z 0

George's Song

George Eychner led us in singing Happy Birthday to the members whose birthdays are in February.
George's Song David A Martin 2025-02-05 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

The next Blood Drive will be February 19, from 10-3, at Crenwelge Motors in Kerrville.
Trash pickup on Goat Creek Rd: Meet at Talley Elementary, Feb. 22
The Main Event Casino Night is scheduled for March 29 at Comanche Trace. This is our once a year main fundraiser. Silent auction items are needed, so please consider donating items for the event. Please consider volunteering for this event.  Contacting local business who have previously donated items would be especially helpful- Jimmy Hutto can provide a list of business names.
The event will be at Comanche Trace, and it will be a casino theme with lots of opportunity for fun and fellowship.
Rotary News you can Use David A Martin 2025-02-05 06:00:00Z 0

Families in Rotary

Please keep the following Rotarians in your prayers:
Woody Lockhart has an appointment with his oncology doctor to monitor his progress.
Stockton Williams continues to improve after his recent knee surgery.
Belli Hutto is able to boot scoot again after her back surgery.
Families in Rotary David A Martin 2025-02-05 06:00:00Z 0

Wine is Fine

Sue Whinnery was wearing her Rotary pin when her name was drawn, so she won a bottle of wine. The wine was presented by wine team members Woody Lockhart and Bill Tucker.
Wine is Fine David A Martin 2025-02-05 06:00:00Z 0

Families in Rotary

Please keep the following people in your thoughts and prayers.
Bekki Hutto went dancing last night so she is over surgery.
Jeff Talarico's mother-in-law passes services Friday 31st at St. Peters Espicopal Church at 2:00 PM
Families in Rotary Jimmy Hutto 2025-01-29 06:00:00Z 0

Tammy Prout- The Hill Country Community Journal

Our speaker last Wednesday was Rotary member and past president Tammy Prout. Tammy is the owner of the Hill Country Community Journal, a local newspaper she started in 2005.
Tammy grew up in San Antonio, and moved to Kerrville in her early twenties. She didn't know exactly what she was going to do here, but was offered a temporary job at the Kerrville Daily Times selling ads. After that, she went to work for the Mountain Sun newspaper, and learned all facets of the newspaper business, including being a reporter and photographer, developing her own photos and doing ads and graphic layout.
In 2004, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and went through chemotherapy, losing her hair and compromising her strength. Shortly afterward, the Mountain Sun was bought out, and Tammy decided to start a community newspaper, focusing on reporting on local news, events and sports.
This year marks the twentieth anniversary of that adventure, and with a circulation of about 3,000 customers, the Community Journal is still going strong.  Challenges include retaining staff, the economy, recovering from COVID when advertising revenue dried up, and social media competition. She battled breast cancer again in 2022, but still manages to remain strong and strives to report local news and events with honesty and integrity.
Tammy Prout- The Hill Country Community Journal David A Martin 2025-01-22 06:00:00Z 0

Birthday Song

George Eychner led us in singing Happy Birthday to the January Birthdays.
Birthday Song David A Martin 2025-01-22 06:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David A Martin 2025-01-22 06:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris award

Wayne Uecker was recognized for achieving his Paul Harris +6, presented by Greg Faldyn. The Paul Harris awards are named after of one of the founding members of Rotary.  The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation.
Paul Harris award David A Martin 2025-01-16 06:00:00Z 0

Cary Burgess and the Weather

Meteorologist Cary Burgess was our speaker last Wednesday, and educated us on current forecasts and trends in local weather.
Cary grew up in Kerrville, and was interested in weather at a young age. He spent many years doing network weather, and now provides weather forecasts for several local media outlets.  There is a strong artic blast coming our way next week, and nearly every state will be affected. There is a slight chance of some light snow in our area. 
Cary doesn't use weather apps much- he relies on various other sources and likes to plot his own maps and forecasts. Snow is hard to predict, as the conditions need to be just right.
 Many areas in Texas received much needed rain last year to ease the drought. Lubbock even received more rain that Kerrville last year, but we are still in a drought in the Kerr county area. The current weather pattern is a La Nina, which is warmer and dryer than normal. It usually only lasts until early spring. 
Cary Burgess and the Weather David A Martin 2025-01-16 06:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David A Martin 2025-01-16 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

The next Blood Drive is at Crenweldege Motors, on January 21.
Trash pickup on Goat Creek Rd: Meet at Talley Elementary, Feb. 22
The Main Event is scheduled for March 29 at Comanche Trace. This is our once a year main fundraiser. Silent auction items are needed, so please consider donating items for the event. 
RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) is January 17-19. Carol Holmes and Kristy Vandenberg are participating as chaperones. 
Rotary News you can Use David A Martin 2025-01-16 06:00:00Z 0

Families in Rotary

Bekki Hutto is doing well with physical therapy, recovering from back surgery.
Families in Rotary David A Martin 2025-01-16 06:00:00Z 0

Wine is Fine

Weir Labatt was wearing his Rotary pin when his name was called, so he won a bottle of wine. Presented by wine team member Bill Tucker, assisted by Layng Guerriero.
Wine is Fine David A Martin 2025-01-16 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

Jan 21st Blood Mobile is at Crenweldege Motors please make an appointment. See QR code below to make
FEB 22nd Trash pickup usual time and place
The Main Event is scheduled for March 29 at Comanche Trace. This is our once a year main fundraiser. Stay tuned for more details
Dave tells of Bell Ringing at Gibson's    Clint & Leslie rang the bell the most
New member of the Kroc Center
Recognized for Rotarian of the Quarter Marta
Rotary News you can Use Jimmy Hutto 2025-01-08 06:00:00Z 0
Families in Rotary Stockton Williams 2025-01-08 06:00:00Z 0

Wine is Fine

Layng was wearing his Rotary pin when his name was called, so he won the bottle of wine, presented by the Wine Team members, Bill Tucker & Woody. Congratulations Layng. About 10 or more names were called that were not here.
Wine is Fine T. Layng Guerriero 2025-01-08 06:00:00Z 0

George's Song

George lead us in singing Auid Lang Syne
George's Song  George Eychner 2025-01-08 06:00:00Z 0

Hill Country Youth Orchestra

Instructors and members of the Hill Country Youth Orchestra entertained us with Christmas music at our last meeting.
The HCYO provides instruction for Hill Country area youth, which culminates in several performances and concerts during the year. There are three campuses - Kerrville, Fredericksburg and Boerne.
HCYO President Mark Haufler explained that the orchestra provides instruction for students from age 7 through high school, and there are ten different orchestras available. 
Patricia Lee is the artistic director, as well as a conductor, and practices are weekly at several churches in the area which donate rooms for rehearsals. The instructors are dedicated and highly qualified musicians themselves, including Teresa Britt (left, in photo below), who accompanied the Hinkley family youth for our Rotary performance.
Maria Hinkley and her three brothers are products of the HCYO, and told us how much they have benefitted from their years in the orchestra. They range from high school to college age, and are quite a musical family.
Hill Country Youth Orchestra David Martin 2024-12-19 06:00:00Z 0

Christmas Song

Members of the Hill Country Youth Orchestra led us in singing Jingle Bells to start the meeting.
Christmas Song David Martin 2024-12-19 06:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David Martin 2024-12-19 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Awards

President Kristi presented Rock Star Awards to several Rotarians at the last meeting.
Woody Lockhart and Bill Tucker were recognized for their entertaining wine presentations each week.
Leslie Wells Rambin was recognized for her many contributions to the club, including providing decor for numerous fellowship and fund raising events.
Rotary Awards David Martin 2024-12-19 06:00:00Z 0

Wine is Fine

Jimmy Hutto was wearing his Rotary pin when his name was called, so he won a bottle of wine, presented by wine team members Woody Lockhart and Bill Tucker.
Wine is Fine David Martin 2024-12-19 06:00:00Z 0

Families in Rotary

Please keep the following people in your thoughts and prayers:
Bekki Hutto is recovering from her recent back surgery, and has graduated off the walker.
Stockton Williams is recovering from his recent knee surgery, and making progress.
Families in Rotary David Martin 2024-12-19 06:00:00Z 0

Bell Ringers

A big thank you goes to all the Salvation Army Bell Ringers at Gibson's and beyond this holiday season!
Bell Ringers David Martin 2024-12-16 06:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellows

Phyllis Ricks was  awarded a Paul Harris +8  at the meeting. These are named after of one of the founding members of Rotary.  The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation.
Doug gave the award

Paul Harris Fellows Phyllis Ricks 2024-12-04 06:00:00Z 0

Red Badge Exchange

Posted by Trey Wetendorf on Dec. 04, 2024
Brenda introduces the Red badge Exchange Trey Wetendorf
Way to go Trey!
Red Badge Exchange Trey Wetendorf 2024-12-04 06:00:00Z 0

Gene Dowdy

Dr. Gene Dowdy, conductor of the Symphony of the Hills, provided an entertaining program at the meeting last Wednesday. Gene comes from a musical family- both his father and grandfather were both in military bands. But his mother was the one who faithfully took him to his violin lessons when he was growing up.
Gene not only conducts the regional orchestra, and heads up the music program at Schreiner University, but is also an accomplished violinist.  He provided a few short but delightful snippets of music development over the last five hundred years, from Bach, Beethoven and Mozart, to music found in churches and taverns.
Gene Dowdy David Martin 2024-11-23 06:00:00Z 0

George's Song

George Eychner and Dave Rittenhouse led us in a song for our speaker.
George's Song David Martin 2024-11-23 06:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David Martin 2024-11-23 06:00:00Z 0

Families in Rotary

Please keep the following members and families in your thoughts and prayers.
Bekki Hutto is recovering from her back surgery, and had the staples removed last week.
Stockton Williams will be having another surgery on December 9. 
Families in Rotary David Martin 2024-11-23 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can use

Here are some upcoming events and news:
Sign up on our website to ring the bell for the Salvation Army at Gibson's over the next several weeks. Contact Dave Samuel if you need help signing up.
Our club will be celebrating its centennial anniversary in February, 2026, and initial plans are under way for honoring this milestone. An celebration event will take place, separate from our annual fundraiser, and we are hoping to have a Rotary International speaker. Press releases will lead up to the event, highlighting the decades our club has been in service to the community. 
A Blood Drive will take place in January. More details to follow.
The Christmas party will be December 11th, and will replace the Wednesday meeting. BBQ will be the meal, a band will entertain with music, and the beneficiary this year will be KSTAR.
The Blue Santa program is December 14, which provides gifts to local families in need.
The Main Event is scheduled for March 29 at Comanche Trace. This is our once a year main fundraiser. Stay tuned for more details.
Denise LeMeilleur received her Paul Harris +1 award.
Rotary News you can use David Martin 2024-11-23 06:00:00Z 0

Wine is FIne

Dennis Glenewinkel was wearing his Rotary pin when his name was called, so he won a bottle of wine, presented by wine team members Bill Tucker.
Wine is FIne David Martin 2024-11-23 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

Here are some upcoming events and news:
Our club will be celebrating its centennial anniversary next year, and initial plans are under way for honoring this milestone.
Board member nominees are being accepted for the next Rotary year. If you or someone your know may be interested in serving, please contact one of the executive board members.
The Veterans Breakfast is November 8th, honoring local veterans. An email has been sent so you can RSVP for this breakfast.
The next Highway Cleanup is November 16. Check your email to sign up for this event.
The Christmas party will be December 11th, and will replace the Wednesday meeting. BBQ will be the meal, a band will entertain with music, and the beneficiary this year will be KSTAR.
The Blue Santa program is December 14, which provides gifts to local families in need.
The Main Event is scheduled for March 29 at Comanche Trace. This is our once a year main fundraiser. Stay tuned for more details.
Rotary News you can Use David A Martin 2024-10-31 05:00:00Z 0


Monica Crider provided the presentation on BCFS last Wednesday, which is an organization that provides a variety of social services to youth in Texas.
Monica has spent her career working with youth, and works in the Hill Country office of BCFS as a mentor supervisor. The Youth Averted From Delinquency program pairs mentors with youth who have a history of truancy, have committed an offense and/or who have discipline issues. Monica told a success story of a young man who greatly benefitted from a mentor who just spent time playing pool with him for several months, and eventually befriended him and the teenager turned his life around, making good grades in school and overcame emotional issues to be a success.
There is a big need for mentors in this program, so if you are interested in volunteering to be a mentor, or know someone who might be, please contact BCFS.
Here are some other programs BCFS offers:
The Education and Training Voucher (ETV) Program helps current and former foster youth make a smoother transition to a successful adulthood by providing funding and support for college or vocational training.
The Transitional Living Program provides temporary housing and counseling to young adults who have aged out of foster care or are at risk of being homeless for a period of up to 18 to prepare them for living independently.
They also partner with the Texas Workforce Commission to provide necessary assistance to youth who are transitioning out of foster care. Advocates provide career assessments, job search assistance, job referrals, mentoring, job skills training, and job placement for youth in the program.
BCFS David A Martin 2024-10-31 05:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David A Martin 2024-10-31 05:00:00Z 0

Halloween Song

The Halloween song was provided and led by Dave Rittenhouse and Dave Samuel.
The Fonz also showed up for the meeting.
Halloween Song David A Martin 2024-10-31 05:00:00Z 0

Pints, Pumpkins and Pies for Polio Success

The annual Pints, Pumpkins and Pies for Polio event was held recently at the Dietert Center and raised over $12,000 to help eradicate polio. Thank you to all to came to the event and who donated to the cause.
The winner of the wine did not need the cooler who came with it, so with the help of Jeff Talarico and Ashley Phillips, it was auctioned off  for additional funds for the polio campaign. 
Pints, Pumpkins and Pies for Polio Success David A Martin 2024-10-31 05:00:00Z 0

Families in Rotary

Please keep the following people in your thoughts and prayers.
Stockton Williams is using a walker now, and may need another one or two surgeries to regain mobility.
Bekki Hutto has received a date on her surgery. The date is November 7th 2024.
Families in Rotary David A Martin 2024-10-31 05:00:00Z 0

Wine is Fine

Ron Blilie was wearing his Rotary pin when his name was called, so he won a bottle of wine, presented by wine team members Bill and Woody.
Wine is Fine David A Martin 2024-10-31 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can use

Here are some upcoming events and news:
Board member nominees are being accepted for the next Rotary year. If you or someone your know may be interested in serving, please contact one of the executive board members.
The Pints, Pumpkins and Polio event to raise funds for Polio Eradication is Today Thursday, October 24th. The goal is to raise $10,000.00 for polio eradication efforts worldwide. The event will be at the Dietert Center Kerrville. Food and beverages will be provided, as well as deserts and a pie auction. Bring your money or candy to this event since this will be the last pick up for the kids.
The Veterans Breakfast is November 8th, honoring local veterans.
The Christmas party will be December 11th, and will replace the Wednesday meeting.
The Blue Santa program is December 14, which provides gifts to local families in need.
The Main Event is scheduled for March 29 at Comanche Trace. This is our once a year main fundraiser. Stay tuned for more details.
Dave Samuel (Candy Man) is collecting and cash for Morgan's Wonderland Halloween event.
Rotary News you can use Dave Samuel 2024-10-23 05:00:00Z 0

Wine is Fine

Ashley was wearing her Rotary pin when her name was called, and she won a bottle of wine. Wine team members Bill and Woody presented her with the wine.
Wine is Fine Ashley Phillips 2024-10-23 05:00:00Z 0

George's song

George led in in singing the October Birthdays
George's song George Eychner 2024-10-23 05:00:00Z 0

Pete Flores

Texas State Senator Pete Flores visited the Kerrville Rotary Club last Wednesday. Flores represents 13 Texas counties, including Kerr county. He served as a Texas game warden for twenty seven years, achieving the rank of Colonel. He was first elected to the senate in 2018, and was reelected in 2022.
Pete spoke about border security, the Texas budget surplus, education and infrastructure.
Pete Flores David A Martin 2024-10-16 05:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David A Martin 2024-10-16 05:00:00Z 0

Polio Eradication

Doug Whinnery provided a good history and summary the Polio Eradication campaign. 
Polio was rampant in the 1950's until a successful vaccine was developed to protect people from this debilitating virus. In the 1970's polio was eradicated in most industrialized nations, but still remained a problem in undeveloped countries. When Rotary became involved in the mid 1980's, there were still 1000 new cases per day worldwide. Rotary's involvement, along with other organizations, began to make serious progress, and today, only two countries, Pakistan and Afghanistan, still have new cases of polio.
With the help of many volunteers and organizations, vaccinations continue to be administered every year. Each vaccine dose costs only 20 cents, so for a $100.00 donation, and a two to one match from the Gates Foundation, up to 1,500 doses can be given to help eradicate polio worldwide. Please consider helping out with the Polio Plus campaign this year.
Polio Eradication David A Martin 2024-10-16 05:00:00Z 0

Schreiner University Football

Schreiner University will have a football team soon, and key members of that process spoke to our Rotary Club.
Athletic Director Bill Raleigh was instrumental in working on starting a football program at Schreiner University.
New football Coach Kenny Treschitta has been on the job a few months, and has been busy with organizing, logistics, and recruiting players. Schreiner competes in Division III, so athletic scholarships are not available. However, merit scholarships are possible based on student's GPA, and student loans are also available. Twenty recruits have committed to play football for Schreiner so far, and eventually over 100 student athletes in football will be on campus.
Schreiner University Football David A Martin 2024-09-25 05:00:00Z 0
Wine is Fine David A Martin 2024-09-25 05:00:00Z 0
George's Song David A Martin 2024-09-25 05:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David A Martin 2024-09-25 05:00:00Z 0
Families in Rotary David A Martin 2024-09-25 05:00:00Z 0

District Governor Kristin Salazar

District Governor Kristin Salazar, provided the program last Wednesday. 
Kristen Salazar is a supportive parent, small business owner, and one of Rotary International’s youngest district governors. 
“My kids motivate me because I know they see everything that I do, and so I want to set a good example for them and show them how to be successful and professional while having fun giving back to the community, and that’s where Rotary comes into my life,” says Salazar.

Rotary is the largest international service organization, with 1.4 million members worldwide and over 500 districts. Salazar leads the largest district in Texas, which covers 57 Rotary clubs and has about 2,500 members. San Antonio is the largest in the district.



District Governor Kristin Salazar Kate Allen 2024-09-07 05:00:00Z 0
Wine is Fine Kate Allen 2024-09-07 05:00:00Z 0
Prayer, Pledge and Song Kate Allen 2024-09-07 05:00:00Z 0
Rotary News you can Use 2024-09-07 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

The Labor Day Walk-A Fun is September 2 at Louise Hays Park, and our club is partnering with Pets Alive for a food drive.
The annual Guadalupe River Cleanup has been postponed until September 7, 2024, due to heavy rains and flooding last week. Our club helps out with this event each year.
New Members Meeting will be held September 12, 2024 at Happy State Bank starting at 5:30. Please RSVP
Fight against Hunger event is coming September 21, 2024, at Schreiner University. The goal is to package 15,000 meals.  All supplies will be provided and volunteers are needed for short shifts to package meals, which will be sent to areas of the world that are in short supply of food.
The annual Triathlon is scheduled for 28-29 here in Kerrville. Our club helps out with this each year. We are volunteering for the Triathlon on Sat the 28th from 12-3:30. Any time you can provide is great. Marta or I will send out a reminder soon
The Pints, Pumpkins and Polio event to raise funds for Polio Eradication is Thursday, October 24th. The goal is to raise $10,000.00 for polio eradication efforts worldwide. The event will be at the Dietert Center Kerrville. Food and beverages will be provided, as well as deserts and a pie auction. 
Rotary News you can Use Kristi Shepherd 2024-08-28 05:00:00Z 0

Prayer, Pledge and Song

Gabriel Alonso led us in the prayer and pledge.  George Eychner provided creative lyrics for a song in honor of our guest speaker.
Prayer, Pledge and Song David A Martin 2024-08-24 05:00:00Z 0
Wine is Fine David A Martin 2024-08-24 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

Our Rotary Club was recently recognized for significant achievements last year.
This is an article from Ed Hamilton telling how KPUB was established. It follows CEO Mike Wittler’s recent presentation to our Rotary club.
In 1987 LCRA told the City of Kerrville they were getting out  of retail power and they were going to sell the Kerrville operation to either the City of Kerrville or  the Guadalupe valley energy corp.    City  Council told them we did not want it, so GVEC was set to buy it.  Charley Johnson and Joe Burkett  rounded up 70 people (including about 25 Rotarians) and we had several meetings about this.  We thought we should buy it so we told the council either the city buys it or we were  going to buy it.  The city changed their mind and scheduled a bond
election which passed by a large margin.  It has been a blessing for Kerrville ever since.  GVEC has some of the highest rates in Texas.   
Ed Hamilton
Please keep the following people in your prayers:
Woody Lockhart is battling an aggressive form of cancer.
Stockton Williams is having follow up surgery on his leg.
Dave Rittenhouse's wife is recovering well.
The Labor Day Walk-A Fun is September 2 at Louise Hays Park, and our club is partnering with Pets Alive for a food drive.
The annual Guadalupe River Cleanup has been postponed until September 7, 2024, due to heavy rains and flooding last week. Our club helps out with this event each year.
The New Member Party is scheduled for September 12 at Happy State Bank at 5:30.
The Rise Against Hunger event is coming September 21, 2024, at Schreiner University. The goal is to package 15,000 meals.  All supplies will be provided and volunteers are needed for short shifts to package meals, which will be sent to areas of the world that are in short supply of food.
The annual Triathlon is scheduled for 28-29 here in Kerrville. Our club helps out with this each year.
The Pints, Pumpkins and Polio event to raise funds for Polio Eradication is Thursday, October 24th. The goal is to raise $10,000.00 for polio eradication efforts worldwide. The event will be at the River Star Pavilion in Kerrville. Food and beverages will be provided, as well as deserts and a pie auction. 
Rotary News you can Use David A Martin 2024-08-24 05:00:00Z 0

Tivy High School Coach David Jones

Tivy head football coach made his annual pre-season pep talk to our club last Wednesday.
His assessment of the football team this year is that they are capable of big plays, and should be fun to watch. The coach always has words of wisdom for his players, and these are jewels to live by for anyone: We is more important than me.
His two sons are playing as seniors this year, so it is especially meaningful for him. Coach Jones is in his thirteenth season at Tivy. He asked for prayers for his player's good health, toughness, stamina and to never give up.
Tivy High School Coach David Jones David A Martin 2024-08-24 05:00:00Z 0

Students trip to Machu Picchu

Greg Sandford provided the program last Wednesday, and talked about some local student's recent trip to Peru and Machu Picchu.
Greg is a high school physics teacher and golf coach at Comfort ISD, and takes students on a trip each year to a different foreign country. They recently returned from Peru, where one of the highlights of the trip was visiting Machu Picchu, which is the remains of an ancient Inca city, perched high in the Andes Mountains.
They also visited other local attractions including Lima, museums, a monastery and Lake Titicaca.
One of the students on the trip, Hunter Bradshaw, also spoke about his experiences. Hunter said the travel and tour gave him an appreciation of other cultures. Although there was a great disparity between the wealthy and poor areas, they all were well kept and clean, and virtually no one on the streets asking for handouts.  The experience has made him want to help others, and is inspired by the Rotary Club's commitment to service.
Students trip to Machu Picchu David A Martin 2024-07-26 05:00:00Z 0
Kristie opens the meeting David A Martin 2024-07-26 05:00:00Z 0

Gabriel's Song

Gabriel Alonso led us in singing "It's a Small World".
Gabriel's Song David A Martin 2024-07-26 05:00:00Z 0

Tom Fox & Texas Hill Country Podcast Network 

Tom Fox of the Texas Hill Country Podcast Network spoke about the benefits of having a podcast for your business.
To learn more, please visit their website at
Tom Fox & Texas Hill Country Podcast Network Kate Allen 2024-07-22 05:00:00Z 0

Installation of officers

Executives for Kerrville 2024-25
President Kristi Shepherd
President Elect Trey Atkission
President Nominee T. Layng Guerriero
Treasurer Gena Daniels
 Immediate Past President Jeff Wendling 
Club Administration Marta Diffen
Youth Services Belschner, Jessica
Service Projects Mary Campana
Membership Brenda Thompson 
 Public Image Donna Peterson
 The Rotary Foundation Greg Faldyn
Executive Secretary / Director Kristy Vandenberg
Kristy starts the process by installing Kristi Shephard as President 
Installation of officers Kristy Vandenberg 2024-07-03 05:00:00Z 0

Year End Success for Rotary

On Wednesday, President Jeff Wendling, along with the Rotary Club of Kerrville Board of Directors, provided a summary of activity for the club this past year! 
  • Brenda Thompson talked about our increase in Membership and 5840 District Recognition in this area. 
  • Greg Faldyn followed this with kudos to members for reaching and exceeding both the Foundation and Polio Fundraising Goals.  He also presented Paul Harris Awards to Charlie McIlvain (PH+6), Gena Daniels (PH+8), David Jones (PH +8) and Bryant Truitt (PH +8)! 
  • Donna Peterson was not present but she was recognized for her efforts and helping the club win one of the District 5840 Awards for Excellence in Public Image. 
  • Mary Campana reviewed Service Projects, a new record number accomplished throughout the year:  Rotary Grove Watering, Quarterly & UGRA Trash Pick-Up, Blue Santa, Veterans Breakfasts, Kerrville Triathlon Support, Labor Day Walk-A-Fun, Rise Against Hunger, Salvation Army Bell Ringing, First Responders Recognition, etc.
  • Jessica Belschner shared all the Youth Services accomplishments such as Tivy Interact, Youth Citizenship Awards and Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA).  
  • Marta Diffen, though on vacation, was also recognized for all her efforts as Past President and her leadership on many club projects.
Jeff Wendling Awards Kristi Shephard the Rotarian of the Year.
Jeff was awarded a plaque for his service as Club President.
Year End Success for Rotary Kristi Shepherd 2024-06-26 05:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Awards

Greg Faldyn awards Paul Harris fellows 
David Jones PH plus 8
Charlie McIlvain PH plus 6
Gena Daniels PH plus 6
Bryant Truitt PH plus 6
Paul Harris Awards Greg Faldyn 2024-06-26 05:00:00Z 0

The Bee Business

Rick Fink, owner of Bandera Bees, provided the program at the meeting last Wednesday.
Rick retired from a previous career in medical equipment sales, and now concentrates his time on his bee business. In addition to providing bees to persons wanting a hive on the their 5-20 acre property to qualify for the "Ag" tax exemption, Rick routinely helps home owners by removing unwanted bees from their property.
The Bee Business David A Martin 2024-06-20 05:00:00Z 0

Gabriel's Song

Gabriel Alonso led us in singing "Michael Rowed the Boat Ashore".
Gabriel's Song David A Martin 2024-06-20 05:00:00Z 0
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance Denise LeMeilleur 2024-06-12 05:00:00Z 0
Opening Bell Jeff Wendling 2024-06-12 05:00:00Z 0

Citizenship Awards

The Citizenship Awards were held last Wednesday at our weekly luncheon. Sixteen 5th graders from eight different local elementary schools were selected to receive the awards, based on recommendations from their teachers and principals. The students were recognized for their "Service above Self" in helping their classmates, community and families.
Jeff Anderson, who was instrumental in starting this event, began the program detailing how the awards came to be eight years ago. He was honored for his contributions, and was joined by his family.
Citizenship Awards David A Martin 2024-05-29 05:00:00Z 0

General Land Office

Dawn Buckingham, Commissioner of the General Land Office, provided the program at the meeting last Wednesday. Dawn is a ninth generation Texan, and previously practiced medicine as a plastic surgeon before serving in the Texas Senate. She was elected as the first woman commissioner of the Land Office in 2022.
General Land Office David A Martin 2024-05-23 05:00:00Z 0

George's Song

George Eychner led us in singing a song in honor of our speaker
George's Song Kate Allen 2024-05-18 05:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge Kate Allen 2024-05-18 05:00:00Z 0

MegaaCrete Program

Salvador Garza from MegaaCrete provided the program after being introduced by Layng Guerriero and offered time for questions from members afterwards
MegaaCrete Program Kate Allen 2024-05-15 05:00:00Z 0

Veterans Breakfast

Posted by Jimmy Hutto on May 01, 2024
Over 200 tacos were bought for this event. A lot of vets came thru the line. Coffee, Milk, Orange juice, fruit and donuts were also provided.  This was a hit again way to go Rotarians!
Veterans Breakfast Jimmy Hutto 2024-05-01 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Picnic

  The annual Rotary Picnic was held last Wednesday May 1st at the River Star Pavilion.  A big thanks goes to the fellowship committee for planning, cooking and serving food and drinks with a Cinco de Mayo flavor. The food was very good and deserts were excellent. 
Fellowship committee: Justin Hamilton, Sue Tiemann, Kristy Vandenberg, John Forister, Rosalie Reast, Connie Wisniewski and Jimmy and Bekki Hutto
The Impact Club members
Rotary Picnic Jimmy Hutto 2024-05-01 05:00:00Z 0

Interact Club Aids Highway Cleanup

Posted by Mary Campana on May 01, 2024

Rotarian Friends,
I wanted to take a moment to extend my sincere gratitude to each and every one of you for your enthusiastic participation in our recent highway clean-up on Goat Creek. Your commitment to making our community a cleaner and more beautiful place is truly inspiring.
Getting up bright and early to join forces for this service project speaks volumes about the dedication and passion that each of you brings to our Rotary family. Your willingness to prioritize community service and lend a helping hand embodies the spirit of Rotary and makes a real difference in the Kerrville community.
I am proud to be part of such a compassionate and proactive group of individuals who understand the importance of giving back. Your efforts not only contribute to the cleanliness of our highways but also serve as a shining example of what can be achieved when we come together with a shared goal.
As a token of appreciation, I have attached the group photo from the clean-up for you all to enjoy. This snapshot captures the camaraderie and teamwork that were evident throughout the day.
Once again, thank you for your unwavering support and commitment to service. I look forward to our continued collaboration on future projects as we work towards making our community an even better place for all.
Mary J. Campana
Executive Director
Habitat for Humanity Kerr County
P.O. Box 294566, Kerrville Texas, 78029
O:830-792-4844 / Cell: 512-705-9006



Interact Club Aids Highway Cleanup Mary Campana 2024-05-01 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

April 15th 7 Annual Golf Tournament 
April  17th Awards 
May 1st Picnic at River Star Arts & Events Park

 David Josh the Otter , coming mid April to mid May
 See David for sign up.
Josh pics
Rotary News you can Use Jimmy Hutto 2024-04-24 05:00:00Z 0

George's Song


George Eychner led us in the Josh the Otter song with help
Volunteers are  still needed!
George's Song George Eychner 2024-04-24 05:00:00Z 0

Raphael Clinic

Albert Vasquez, executive director of the Raphael Community Free Clinic, provided the program last Wednesday.
The clinic provides non emergency free health care to those in the community that do not have health insurance and who qualify financially. Founded in 1997, it is staffed by health care professionals and health care volunteers, and serves seven nearby counties.
New patients are welcomed and encouraged, since some of the funding for the clinic comes from grants based on the number of patients. Other sources of funding include private donations and endowment gifts, as well as support from Peterson Regional Health Care and other organizations, including our Rotary Club. 
Raphael Clinic David A Martin 2024-04-07 05:00:00Z 0
New Members Jimmy Hutto 2024-03-27 05:00:00Z 0
Tivy Robotics Team Jimmy Hutto 2024-03-21 05:00:00Z 0

Dalton Rice- City of Kerrville

Dalton Rice, the City Manager of Kerrville, provided an update on various topics of interest and departments at the City of Kerrville.
A few highlights:
The police department has installed new vehicle cameras and purchased new bodycams for the officers.
Planning and Design continues for the new Public Safety Facility building for the City of Kerrville.
Dalton Rice- City of Kerrville David A Martin 2024-03-17 05:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David A Martin 2024-03-08 06:00:00Z 0

George's Song

George Eychner led us in singing a song in honor of our speaker, Dalton Rice.
George's Song David A Martin 2024-03-08 06:00:00Z 0

Women in Rotary

International Women's Day was March 8, and our club celebrated by recognizing all the women members of our club at the meeting last Wednesday.
There are thirty nine women in the Kerrville Noon Rotary Club, but it hasn't always been this way. It wasn't until 1989 when R.I. voted to admit women as members, after a supreme court ruling. Worldwide, women make up about 23% of membership.
Women in Rotary David A Martin 2024-03-08 06:00:00Z 0

Red Badge Exchange

Posted by Kate Allen on Feb. 28, 2024
Dalton Rice and Dr. Brent Ringo exchanged their red badge's for new ones.
Nicely Done guys!
Red Badge Exchange Kate Allen 2024-02-28 06:00:00Z 0

Wes Virdell

Our speaker last Wednesday was Wes Virdell, who is a candidate for State Representative in Texas House District 53. 
Wes lives in Brady, Texas, and is involved in a family business. He previously served in the Air Force, and worked with ICBM missiles. Wes is the state director of Gun Owners of America, and talked to our club about his views on second amendment rights, water, border security and school vouchers.
Wes Virdell David A Martin 2024-02-24 06:00:00Z 0

New Member

We welcomed our newest member to the club last Wednesday. Vincent Scoccia is a medical doctor, and is also involved in humanitarian work.
New Member David A Martin 2024-02-24 06:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellows

Rotarian Greg Faldyn presented Paul Harris awards to two people who have helped support our Rotary Club's fund raisers.
Randy  Rue-Las and Sue Schulse were presented Paul Harris Fellowships. Randy owns the local Jersey Mike's subs, and Sue is co-owner of Turtle Creek Olives and Vines.
Paul Harris Fellows David A Martin 2024-02-24 06:00:00Z 0

Constitution and Bylaws updates

Proposed Changes to the Club’s Governance Documents
Three events are behind the changes to our governance documents. First, is the dissolution of the satellite club. Second, is the creation of the Impact Club.  Third was the club’s approval of a corporate membership. Here is a summary of how these events impact our club constitution and bylaws.
Club Bylaws. The definition of a satellite club was replaced with the definition of an Impact Club. The role and duties of the president of the Impact Club were added. Article 14 was rewritten to define a corporate membership and how it works.
Club Constitution. The definition of a satellite club was replaced with the definition of an Impact Club. The name of the Impact Club was added. Throughout the constitution the roles and responsibilities of Impact Club members were added. The oversight of the Impact Club by our club’s board of directors was spelled out.
Complete versions of the proposed constitution and bylaws can be found on the club’s website, just look under Downloads on the home page.
Constitution and Bylaws updates Doug Whinnery 2024-02-24 06:00:00Z 0

Valentines Program Wednesday

Posted by Jimmy Hutto on Feb. 14, 2024
Our first speakers were Qynita & Josh Walther. They met at Trailhead Beer Garden. She was looking at his brother first.
Next speaker is our city manager Dalton Rice. They are proud parents of 5 year old twin boys.
Crystal was the master of ceremonies and the 3rd speaker. She ended up marrying a man she knew 40 years ago. Way back then he mom said no way she could date this man, he was too old for her. She ran the event very well!!!!
Roses were donated to Rotary by Barbs Flowers. 
Valentines Program Wednesday Jimmy Hutto 2024-02-14 06:00:00Z 0

Indian Art

Mark Brown provided the program last Wednesday on Indian Art. Mark has been collecting Indian art since he was sixteen years old, and developed it into a business that has taken him around the states and to numerous South American countries in search of ancient cultures and their art.
Mark is an enrolled member of the Cheyenne tribe, but grew up in Dodge City Kansas. There have been over seven hundred documented tribes in the US alone, and these cultures have evolved over time in their art, music and spirituality.  The art often reflected the geography of where they lived, depicting animals, abstract designs and geographic features in jewelry, pottery, clothing, accessories and cave/wall paintings.
Numerous art pieces were on display for our members to enjoy.
Indian Art David A Martin 2024-02-08 06:00:00Z 0

Perfect Attendance Awards

Posted by Marta Diffen on Jan. 31, 2024

Of all the folks called this is all that were at the meeting with perfect attendance. 25 if I counted correctly.


Perfect Attendance Awards Marta Diffen 2024-01-31 06:00:00Z 0

Texas Ramp Project

Tom Canfield was our guest speaker last week, and the topic was building ramps for local folks in need. The Texas Ramp Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides free wheelchair ramps to low-income older adults and people with disabilities identified by local health care providers. Ramps are built exclusively with volunteer labor, keeping costs to a minimum.
This state wide program was started in 2006, and over 25,000 ramps have been built in Texas. Donations or grants are the main source of funding. They are usually built in a day, and Kerr County had 32 ramps built last year. Tom coordinates the work for Gillespie County, and is acting as the coordinator for Kerr County, but the program is in need of someone for this position in our county.
Texas Ramp Project David A Martin 2024-01-13 06:00:00Z 0

January Birthdays

George and Gabriel led us in singing Happy Birthday to our Rotarians born in January.
January Birthdays David A Martin 2024-01-13 06:00:00Z 0

Salvation Army and KROC Center

Salvation Army Captain Jeremiah Romack provided the program on the services and mission of the Salvation Army. The local Salvation Army organization has been in Kerrville for over seventy five years, and started as a medical and dental clinic. They’ve since expanded their services to include the shelter, meals and the Thrift Store, and of course the KROC Center.
Salvation Army and KROC Center David A Martin 2023-12-09 06:00:00Z 0
Bell Ringing?  It's for Good!  Kristy Vandenberg 2023-12-09 06:00:00Z 0

Helping Families with Blue Santa Program

Rotarians in ACTION! 
Thank you members Kristi Sheppard and Leslie Wells Rambin for working with a great group of Tivy High School Interact members on Saturday, December 9th for this year's Blue Santa project!
This group stuffed bags of canned food for approximate 50 families identified as being food insecure in Kerr County.  This service project was coordinated by Stephanie Skrumeda with her great volunteer Elves!!!
Merry Christmas Ya'll!
Helping Families with Blue Santa Program Kristy Vandenberg 2023-12-09 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

We need volunteers for Ringing the Bell for the Salvation Army, which is an annual fund raiser our club helps out with. The bell ringing is at Gibson's, and starts the Saturday after Thanksgiving and runs through the holiday season. Go to our website to sign up.
The Rotary Main Event fund raiser will be February 3, and will be a Hill Country Chic theme. 
Thank you to all who helped with the Blue Santa project.
Rotary News you can Use Jimmy Hutto 2023-11-29 06:00:00Z 0

George's  Song

George Eychner, accompanied by the Salvation Army brass band,  led us in singing Happy Birthday to those having birthdays in December.
George's Song George Eychner 2023-11-29 06:00:00Z 0

Wine is Fine

Bob Fairchild was wearing his Rotary pin when his name was called, so he won a bottle of wine, artfully described and presented by Bill Tucker.
Wine is Fine Bob Fairchild 2023-11-29 06:00:00Z 0

Families in Rotary

 Connie Wisniewski's sister has been diagnosed with cancer, so keep their family in your prayers.
Families in Rotary Jimmy Hutto 2023-11-29 06:00:00Z 0

The Community Foundation

Rotarian Austin Dickson is the executive director of the Community Foundation of the Texas Hill Country. He has been with the foundation since 2017, and the assets have steadily grown under his leadership.
Founded in 1982, this public charitable foundation supports nonprofits and local causes in the region. The Community Foundation grants funds to charities and awards scholarships to students throughout the Hill Country. On average, the Foundation distributes approximately $6 million each year.
The Community Foundation David A Martin 2023-11-19 06:00:00Z 0

Veterans Breakfast

The Veterans Breakfast was a big success, so a big thanks goes to all who organized and attended this event.
Veterans Breakfast David A Martin 2023-11-19 06:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David A Martin 2023-11-19 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

The Rotary Main Event fund raiser will be February 3, and will be a Hill Country Chic theme. If you have old cowboy boots that you can donate, please do so, as they will be used for centerpieces at the tables. Also, if you have Excel or other spreadsheet skills, Kristi Shepherd could use your help on keeping track of several items for the Main Event.
The Veterans Breakfast is coming up on November 10.
Brenda Thompson could use a few more volunteers for the Sargent at Arms committee, which prepares the room for our lunch meeting, and checks members and guests in each week.
The Christmas party is December 13 at the Dietert Center. Look for the email from our club for information to RSVP. The Unknowns will playing live music, with a great dinner and fellowship.
TBAJan 31, 2024  
Carl Davis, Director of Schreiner AviationJan 24, 2024The New Schreiner Aviation Degree 
TBAJan 17, 2024  
TBAJan 10, 2024  
TBAJan 03, 2024  
Fellowship CommitteeDec 13, 2023Christmas Party 
Jeremiah RomackDec 06, 2023Salvation Army Band Christmas Program 
Reverend Jasiel Hernandez GarciaNov 29, 2023A Christmas Message 
Joint Meeting with KiwanisNov 22, 2023Thanksgiving luncheon 
Austin DicksonNov 15, 2023Your Community Foundation
Rotary News you can Use Jimmy Hutto 2023-11-08 06:00:00Z 0

George's Song

George leads us with The More We Get Together
George's Song George Eychner 2023-11-08 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Facts & Myths


Did You Know?  Facts about The Rotary Foundation.
Although relatively new to our club, Greg has been an active Rotarian for 22 years, including serving as president of the West University Rotary Club in Houston. Greg has participated in a trip to India, to help with administering vaccines for polio prevention. Effective vaccines were developed in the 1950's, and a number of countries have eliminated new cases of polio since the 1960's. 
Rotary Facts & Myths  David A Martin 2023-11-04 05:00:00Z 0

Schreiner Wine Program

John Rivenburgh and Kelly Hagemeier, co-owners of Kerrville Hills Winery presented the program last Wednesday.
Kerrville Hills Winery is partnering with Schreiner University to train students in various jobs in the local wine industry, including harvesting from their own vineyard. The job training will emphasize technical skills for working in a winery so that students are prepared to start working once they receive a certificate from the program. Classes start this coming spring semester, and although the vineyard is the classroom, students will also gain knowledge and experience in a tasting room for their product.
In addition to running Kerrville Hills Winery, John and Kelly also provide a wine incubator service, which is a start up program for new wineries. Texas wines are a 22 billion dollar industry, and Texas is the number one consumer of wine in the U.S.
Schreiner Wine Program David A Martin 2023-10-21 05:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David A Martin 2023-10-14 05:00:00Z 0

Wine is Fine

Quincy Smith was wearing her Rotary pin when her name was called, so she won a bottle of wine, presented by Bill Tucker.
Wine is Fine David A Martin 2023-10-14 05:00:00Z 0

Fisher House

Dave Rittenhouse and former district governor Dwayne Hopkins provided the program on Fisher House. Dwayne is the CEO and Executive director of Fisher House Inc., which is a home away from home for families of veterans who are receiving inpatient care at a VA Facility.
Dave Rittenhouse
Dwayne Hopkins
The patients are going through a traumatic life experience, so having their family nearby to offer support is a huge benefit. There is no charge for the stay at Fisher House and the facility offers private bedrooms and baths, well stocked community kitchens, dining and living areas, laundry facilities and housekeeping services. They stay can be just for a few days or for much longer, depending on the need.
Fisher House was started in 1990 by Zachary and Elizabeth Fisher, and they paid for and built the first 24 houses. There are now 95 houses across the US, including one in the UK and in Germany. Over 24,000 families stayed in Fisher Houses last year.
Funds are currently being raised for a second Fisher House at Audie Murphy VA Hospital. Our club has donated to the cause, but more help is needed. Individual donations are welcome, as are volunteers and specific donations for a wish list.
Fisher House David A Martin 2023-10-14 05:00:00Z 0

Jeff introduces Guest

Jeff introduces members with guest and our guest speaker           Oliver Rich Jr
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

19 years 7 months

  • Special Agent in Charge

     - Present1 year 6 months

    San Antonio, Texas, United States

    FBI Senior Executive, leading more than 600 Agents, Intelligence Analysts, Task Force Officers and Professional Staff in the identification of threats and execution of mitigation strategies for all national security, cyber and federal criminal activity for Central Texas. I collaborate with federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, the U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC), corporate partners, and civic partners to address critical threats in a territory which extends from Waco and Austin to the border communities of McAllen, Laredo, Brownsville and Del Rio.

    • Chief of Staff to FBI Deputy Director (Senior Executive Service)

       - 1 year 2 months

      Washington, District of Columbia, United States

    • Assistant Special Agent in Charge, FBI Atlanta

       - 1 year 5 months

      Atlanta, Georgia, United States

    • Supervisory Special Agent

       - 3 years 8 months

      Atlanta, Georgia, United States

    • Special Agent

       - 3 years 4 months

      Atlanta, Georgia, United States

    • Supervisory Special Agent, FBI Headquarters

       - 3 years 3 months

      Washington, District of Columbia, United States

    • Special Agent

       - 5 years 9 months

      Houston, Texas, United States


  • Naval Postgraduate School Graphic

    Naval Postgraduate School

    Master of Science - MSComputer/Information Technology Administration and Management


    • Saint Louis University Graphic

      Saint Louis University

      Bachelor of Science - BSAeronautical Science

      Oliver told us a story about a young boy who took the wrong bus from school. He was let off the bus at an overnight care for childern. He and the ex marine agent worked together to locate the boy. When they called the parents and told them where their son was and then saw the relief in the eyes of the parents this stuck in his mind. 
      Counties covered: Atascosa, Bandera, Bexar, Comal, Frio, Gillespie, Gonzalez, Guadalupe, Karnes, Kendall, Kerr, Kimble, Mason, Medina, Real, Uvalde, and Wilson. With 300 miles of border with Mexico. This is more than any other office's of the FBI.

Satellite Office Territories

Along with our main office in San Antonio, we have six resident agencies in the area. 

  • Austin: Bastrop, Blanco, Burleson, Burnett, Caldwell, Hays, Lampasas, Lee, Llano, McCullough, San Saba, Travis, Washington, and Williamson counties
  • Brownsville: Cameron and Willacy counties
  • Del Rio: Dimmitt, Edwards, Kinney, Maverick, Terrell, Val Verde, and Zavala counties
  • Laredo: Jim Hogg, LaSalle, McMullen, Webb, and Zapata counties
  • McAllen: Hidalgo and Starr counties
  • Waco: Bell, Bosque, Coryell, Falls, Freestone, Hamilton, Hill, Leon, Limestone, McLennan, Milam, and Robertson counties
Fidelity Bravery and Integrity: The Essence of the FBI
  Mission Priorities
  1. Protect the U.S. from terrorist attack
  2. Protect the U.S. against foreign intelligence, espionage, and cyber operations
  3. Combat significant cyber criminal activity
  4. Combat public corruption at all levels
  5. Protect civil rights
  6. Combat transnational criminal enterprises
  7. Combat significant white-collar crime
  8. Combat significant violent crime
Respect - Integrity • Accountability
Leadership • Diversity - Compassion
Falmess • Rigorous Obedience to the Constitution
Another point that he expressed was partnering with the Federal, State and Local law enforcement agencies. Unity and teamwork is a must to help FBI get the bad guys.
To asist the FBI they use this agency Home Page | CISA
Jeff introduces Guest Jeff Wendling 2023-09-27 05:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellow

Janelle Peralt was awarded her Paul Harris +2 by Greg Faldyn and his red polio shoes.
Paul Harris Fellow Janelle Peralt 2023-09-13 05:00:00Z 0

Wine is Fine

Bob Schmerbeck was wearing his Rotary pin when his name was called, so he won a bottle of wine. Woody Lockhart and Bill Tucker presented the vino to Bob.
Wine is Fine David A Martin 2023-09-10 05:00:00Z 0

Families in Rotary

Please keep the following friends,  Rotarians and their families in your prayers:
Ed Hamilton was in the hospital and had stents removed.
Kenneth and Kellie Early's granddaughter had hip replacement surgery.
Michael Berry had knee replacement surgery.
Former Tivy football coach Donnie Laurence recently had a stroke.
Families in Rotary David A Martin 2023-09-10 05:00:00Z 0

Recognition for Service

Gerald Irion was recognized and thanked for his efforts helping with our club's multi media technology over the past several years.
Recognition for Service David A Martin 2023-09-10 05:00:00Z 0

Angel Flight

Dr. Mark Mosier was our speaker last Wednesday, and told the club about his work with Angel Flight, which is a volunteer organization of pilots who use their planes in a variety of ways to help those in need. 
The  organization provides free airplane transportation, usually for patients traveling for surgery, chemotherapy, dialysis, or other medical needs. Angel Flight has also flown dogs and other pets to newly adopted homes. They partner with other regional chapters to provide flights all over the United States.
There are about 1100 pilots currently providing flights in the local five state region, and more are needed. The pilots pay all their expenses out of their own pocket, and do so because they love to fly, and want to give back to local communities by helping others.
Angel Flight was very active in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, delivering water, medicines, doctors, support teams, food and supplies to areas affected by the hurricane, often landing on runways surrounded by flood waters, inaccessible by any other means.
Angel Flight David A Martin 2023-09-10 05:00:00Z 0

George's Song

George Eychner led us in signing happy birthday to the September birthday members.
George's Song David A Martin 2023-09-10 05:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David A Martin 2023-09-10 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

The Rise against Hunger event is September 16.
Pints for Polio is October 26 at the River Star Arts and Event Park Pavilion.
The Kerrville Triathlon is September 23.
A big thank you goes to all who volunteered and participated in the Labor Day Walk-a Fun.
Rotary News you can Use David A Martin 2023-09-10 05:00:00Z 0

Coach David Jones

Tivy High School head football coach and athletic director provided an inspirational talk to our club at the last meeting.
Coach Jones is entering his eleventh season at Tivy, and has spoken to the Noon Rotary club nearly every year before the start of the football season. David always emphasizes the importance of teaching his players that others come first. This is an important virtue to learn early, since college athletes often transfer to other teams, and loyalty seems to take a back seat to individual advancement.
David's two sons are playing varsity for the first time this year, and will be offensive receivers. His daughter recently graduated from Abilene Christian University, and will be pursuing her masters in Speech Pathology.  
Coaches have always been a big influence in his life, and credits them with keeping him motivated to do well and help others in his chosen field of coaching, as he has now done for over forty years. His message to us: whatever field you are in, never underestimate your value to others.
Thanks Coach!
Coach David Jones David A Martin 2023-08-16 05:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David A Martin 2023-08-16 05:00:00Z 0

Banner Exchange

One of Rotary’s most colorful traditions is members’ exchanging club banners. Clubs display their own decorative banners at meetings and district events, and Rotarians who travel to other clubs often take these banners to exchange with the clubs they visit. 
Roy Boudreaux visited his daughter's Rotary club in Florida and exchanged banners with them. Roy was introduced to Rotary by his daughter, and she encouraged him to join a club, so it was a special occasion to be able to present a flag from our club, and receive one from hers.
Banner Exchange David A Martin 2023-08-16 05:00:00Z 0

Tivy Athletic Hall of Fame

Guy Overby provided the program last Wednesday, and announced this year's inductees into the Tivy Athletic Hall of Fame.
The nominees can come from one of three categories: Athlete, Coach or Supporter. The three inductees are:
Mona Lisa Lewis Mitchell graduated in 1986 from Tivy, and held the 800 and 1600 meter track school and district records for 20+ years. She was a four year letterman, and also qualified for state all four years. She was also an AAU Summer Nationals Qualifier for several years.
Natalie Thomas, a 2006 graduate, lettered in basketball all four years. She had four outstanding seasons, earning all district, all region and all state honors her sophomore year. She also ran track and cross country all four years, and was a walk on in basketball at Texas Tech, playing for two years.
Jon Chambers: a 1979 graduate, was a gifted athlete who went to state in tennis his freshman year. He gave up tennis after that year to concentrate on basketball. His senior year, Jon averaged 25.4 points per game, scored 40 or more points in four other games that year, and scored 60 points in one game. Tivy finished 29-4 that year which was the second best record in Tivy's history.
The Hall of Fame induction ceremony will be at 6:00 pm at Tivy stadium on September 15.
Tivy Athletic Hall of Fame David A Martin 2023-08-09 05:00:00Z 0

George's Song/Tribute

George Eychner led us in a song and tribute to long time member Bob Finch, who recently passed away.
George's Song/Tribute David A Martin 2023-08-09 05:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David A Martin 2023-08-09 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

School supplies are being collected to help out Progreso/Merida, Mexico this fall. This is a Rotary districtwide collection, so bring supplies if you are able to the upcoming Rotary meeting on Wednesday.
The Rise Against Hunger event is scheduled for September 16 at Schreiner University.
The annual Walk-a-Fun will be September 4 at Louise Hays Park.
Background checks for new members will be part of the membership process in the near future. 
Rotary News you can Use David A Martin 2023-08-09 05:00:00Z 0

New membership categories

Two new membership categories were discussed and approved by the membership. 
Impact Club. This is similar to a Satellite club, but would attract new members that otherwise may not be able to meet the time or financial commitments of a typical Rotary Club. The Impact Companion Club would not have attendance requirements, would have reduced dues and no lunch requirements, and would concentrate on members achieving a certain number of service hours per year and participating in our fund raisers. 
Some examples of prospective members would be teachers, first responders, spouses, health care workers, younger adults and parents, and satellite club members. 
Corporate Membership.  This category of membership would be for businesses, non profits, government entities and corporations. Individual employees of these entities would be the actual club members, and typically the business entity would pay the dues. Any or all of the members can attend meetings, but this allows flexibility and reduces the time commitment of any one member. Members would be encouraged to participate in service projects and other club activities. 
New membership categories David A Martin 2023-08-09 05:00:00Z 0

The School Marshal Program

Ingram ISD superintendent Bobby Templeton provided the program last Wednesday on the School Marshal Program in Texas.
The program was authorized by Texas House Bill 1009, and allows school districts an option to arm existing employees to protect students and staff from armed intruders. Staff can be teachers, administrators or other employees, and they go through an intense screening and training program to qualify.
The training consists of an 80 hour program through an academy licensed by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement, as well as psychological evaluation. Marshals participate in  additional training during each school year, and are provided instructions on first aid and crisis intervention. The State of Texas covers the cost of the training, but individual school districts pay any additional costs and stipends to the marshals.
Ingram ISD has several marshals, and is also in the process of implementing additional security measures. Although the Columbine High School massacre in 1999 in Colorado seemed to usher in the age of mass shootings in schools, school shootings in the USA have occurred as far back as the 1800's.
The School Marshal Program David A Martin 2023-08-04 05:00:00Z 0

Prayer and Pledge

Janelle Peralt led us in the Prayer and Pledge to start the meeting.
Prayer and Pledge David A Martin 2023-08-04 05:00:00Z 0

August Birthdays

Gabriel Alonso led us sing signing Happy Birthday to members whose birthdays are in August.
August Birthdays David A Martin 2023-08-04 05:00:00Z 0

Families in Rotary

Long time member Bob Finch passed away last week at 93 years old.   Please keep his family in your prayers.
Families in Rotary David A Martin 2023-08-04 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

The Rise Against Hunger event is scheduled for September 16 at Schreiner University.
The annual Walk-a-Fun will be September 4 at Louise Hays Park.
Rotary News you can Use David A Martin 2023-08-04 05:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris award

Marta Diffen achieved her Paul Harris + 8 award. 
Continuing the legacy of our founder, the Paul Harris Fellow program recognizes individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. Each  "+" indicates an additional $1,000.00 contribution. Since it was founded more than 100 years ago, the Foundation has spent more than $4 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects around the world.
Paul Harris award David A Martin 2023-08-04 05:00:00Z 0

George's Song

George Eychner led us in signing Kerrville Pets Alive song.
George's Song George Eychner 2023-07-26 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

The Chamber of Commerce Business Expo will be held at the Ag Barn on August 4-5. If you are able to help at the Rotary booth to tell folks about our club, then contact Brenda Thompson.
The Rise Against Hunger event is scheduled for September 16 at Schreiner University.
Rotary News you can Use Jimmy Hutto 2023-07-26 05:00:00Z 0

Forgiveness Project

Michael Barry provided the program last Wednesday, and told us about the Forgiveness Project.
Michael, who now lives in Kerrville,  served in pastoral care at Cancer Treatment Centers of America. During his time there, he counseled numerous patients going through treatments, and found that there was a strong desire to make peace with God, themselves and others. Michael developed a curriculum to help patients forgive in order to heal, both physically and emotionally.
One of the methods to start the forgiveness process to write a letter to the person who has hurt you in some way. The letter is not meant to be sent, but the action of expressing your feelings as if you are talking to the person can be helpful. When forgiveness is achieved, it universally resulted in the feeling that a large weight had been lifted off the shoulders of those who forgave. 
Forgiveness Project David A Martin 2023-07-19 05:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David A Martin 2023-07-19 05:00:00Z 0

Song for Lloyd Painter

George led us in a song honoring Rotarian Lloyd Painter, who passed away last week.
Song for Lloyd Painter David A Martin 2023-07-19 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

The next highway clean up is scheduled for July 15. Meet at Tally Elementary at 7:00 am.
The Guadalupe River Cleanup is scheduled for July 22. Our club is helping with the portion of the river and river trail between G Street and Schreiner University. The clean up starts at 8:00 am.
Click link below to see future speakers
Rotary News you can Use Jimmy Hutto 2023-07-12 05:00:00Z 0
Paul Harris Fellows Scott Bolton 2023-07-12 05:00:00Z 0

Foundation fact

The Annual Fund is the main funding source for Foundation programs. Your gift empowers Rotarians to carry out sustainable service projects in our community and around the world. At the end of each year, contributions directed to Annual Fund-SHARE from all Rotary clubs in the district are divided between the World Fund and the District Designated Fund. The Rotary Foundation uses the World Fund to support Rotary’s highest-priority grants and programs, which are available to all Rotary districts. Our district uses the District Designated Fund to pay for Foundation, club, and district projects the clubs in our district choose. 
Doug Whinnery
Foundation fact Doug Whinnery 2023-07-12 05:00:00Z 0

Families in Rotary

We lost a dear Rotarian Tuesday morning. Lloyd Painter passed away. Please keep Ingrid and family in your prayers 
No photo description available.
Families in Rotary Jimmy Hutto 2023-07-12 05:00:00Z 0

Birthday Song

Gabriel Alonso and Sara Cotton lead Rotary in the July Birthday song
Birthday Song Gabriel Alonso 2023-07-12 05:00:00Z 0

Club Business

Kristi Shepherd reported on the idea of an Impact Companion Club. This is similar to a Satellite club, but would attract new members that otherwise may not be able to meet the time or financial commitments of a typical Rotary Club. The Impact Companion Club would not have attendance requirements, would have reduced dues and no lunch requirements, and would concentrate on members achieving a certain number of service hours per year and participating in our fund raisers. 
Some examples of prospective members would be teachers, first responders, spouses, health care workers, younger adults and parents, and satellite club members. 
Kristi also mentioned the possibility of a Flag Program, which would put out American flags on certain holidays around Kerrville. The money raised would benefit our Rotary programs. It is similar to a program already in place for businesses in the area, but this would concentrate on residential areas instead.
Greg Faldyn provided information on the Rotary Foundation. Our Foundation is consistently highly ranked by Charity Navigator, with 92% of the funds raised going directly to programs. The worldwide polio eradication effort continues, and there are only 7 current reported cases in the world so far this year. The areas of focus include Promoting Peace, Fighting Disease, Providing Clean Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Saving Mothers and Children, Supporting Education, Growing Local Economies, and Protecting the Environment.
Brenda Thompson reported on Membership activities for the club. We achieved the membership citation award in our district. Brenda also provided the results of the membership survey which was recently completed.
Club Business David A Martin 2023-07-08 05:00:00Z 0

New Members

New members were inducted into our club last Wednesday.
Connie Wisniewski is retired from FEMA, and is Bekki Hutto's sister.
Tom Fox is an attorney specializing in compliance and ethics.
New Members David A Martin 2023-07-08 05:00:00Z 0

New Rotary Year

We started a new Rotary year, with Kristy Vandenberg presiding over the installation of the new officers and board of directors.
Pictured from left to right are immediate Past President Marta Diffen, President elect Kristi Shepherd, board member Brenda Thompson, Treasurer Gena Daniels, President Jeff Wendling, board members Mary Campana, Jessica Belschner, Greg Faldyn, Trey Atkission, and Executive Secretary and Director (and Past Club President and District Governor) Kristy Vandenberg. Not pictured are incoming secretary Todd Odom and board member Donna Peterson.
Janelle Peralt and Roy Boudreaux were thanked for their service as they are rolling off the board of directors.
New Rotary Year David A Martin 2023-07-08 05:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David A Martin 2023-07-08 05:00:00Z 0

First Responder Awards

First Responder Awards were given to two members of the Kerrville Police Department who were not able to attend the awards luncheon a couple of months ago. Police Chief Chris McCall presented the awards to James Machetta (Supervisor of the Year), and Dan Virdell (Officer of the Year).
First Responder Awards David A Martin 2023-07-08 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary awards

Sara Cotton was recognized by immediate past president Marta Diffen for her contributions to the club. She is pictured here with a Distinguished Service Award.
David Martin was also recognized for his work on the Spoke and other club activities.
Rotary awards David A Martin 2023-07-08 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation Fact

The Annual Fund is the main funding source for Foundation programs. Your gift empowers Rotarians to carry out sustainable service projects in our community and around the world. At the end of each year, contributions directed to Annual Fund-SHARE from all Rotary clubs in the district are divided between the World Fund and the District Designated Fund. The Rotary Foundation uses the World Fund to support Rotary’s highest-priority grants and programs, which are available to all Rotary districts. Our district uses the District Designated Fund to pay for Foundation, club, and district projects the clubs in our district choose. 


Doug Whinnery

Rotary Foundation Fact Doug Whinnery 2023-06-28 05:00:00Z 0

New Member Party

Last Thrusday we had the new member party, where the new Rotary members from the past year were recognized, and each were given the opportunity to tell two truths and a lie about themselves, to stump the party guests. A good time was had by all, and a big thanks go to Jimmy and Bekki Hutto for offering their house again for this once a year event.
New Member Party Rebecca Hutto 2023-06-22 05:00:00Z 0

Professor Thomas Woods

Clint introduced Thomas Woods
Thomas D Woods 
Coordinator of Online Learning
Thomas presented the AI Artificial Intelligence. This can be scary to some people. AI is automation or machine learning.  Deep learning with general intelligence.
The machine is searching for patterns and the more data the better the results. Editing to get most likely output, human liker text. There will be growing pains. This is where he started on
GPT-4 is more creative and collaborative than ever before. It can generate, edit, and iterate with users on creative and technical writing tasks, such as composing songs, writing screenplays, or learning a user’s writing style.
Explain the plot of Cinderella in a sentence where each word has to begin with the next letter in the alphabet from A to Z, without repeating any letters.
A beautiful Cinderella, dwelling eagerly, finally gains happiness; inspiring jealous kin, love magically nurtures opulent prince; quietly rescues, slipper triumphs, uniting very wondrously, xenial youth zealously.
So he wanted to run a program to show us how this works. He showed some pictures and someone picked Shakespeare. 
He list the objectives.
The Chinese room showing that it appears you can speak it.
More about GPT-4
The first run data comes out gibberish
Getting better

Introducing ChatGPT

We’ve trained a model called ChatGPT which interacts in a conversational way. The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer followup questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests.




Professor Thomas Woods Jimmy Hutto 2023-06-21 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can use

District Raffle Tickets are available from Kristi Shepherd.
Upcoming meetings:
New Members Party Jun  22. 2023Hutto Hill 4:30 to 7:30
Marta Diffen 
Jun 28, 2023
 Rotary year in Review
Jeff Wendling Jul 05, 2023
The New Rotary Year
Guadalupe River Trash Clean up is scheduled for July 22.
Rotary News you can use Jimmy Hutto 2023-06-21 05:00:00Z 0

Wine is Fine

Scott Bolton was wearing his Rotary pin when his name was called, so he won a bottle of wine.
Wine is Fine Scott Bolton 2023-06-21 05:00:00Z 0

New Member

Sara Cotton was welcomed into the Noon Rotary Club as a new member. Welcome Sara. 
New Member  Sara Cotton 2023-06-21 05:00:00Z 0

Schreiner Banking Program

Rotarian and local banker Kenneth Early provided the program on the Banking Program now offered at Schreiner University.
Kenneth had the idea for a program which would bolster the potential workforce for community banks, and to provide an opportunity for students to gain knowledge and experience in the banking industry. Charlie McCormick, the President at Schreiner was interested in the idea but didn’t have the instructors or budget available for a new program.
As luck would have it, former banker Dr. Tom Simpson retired to Kerrville and was looking to get involved in the community and this opportunity arose. In addition, several grants from Banking Associations were provided to fund the start up of the program. Schreiner University now offers a Banking minor within the Business major for degree program students. Summer internships with local banks are provided after the sophomore and junior years, allowing the students to gain valuable experience and to determine if banking is the career choice for them. The internships have the potential to lead to full time employment after graduation.
 A banking certificate program is also available for employees already in the banking industry, to upgrade their skills and take on more challenging tasks in their workplace.
Although it seems like there are plenty of banks in the area, statistics show that the banks are understaffed. Finding employees is a difficult task, and the number of educated and qualified banking personnel desiring to come to Kerrville is limited. This program should help fill the gap in banking employment, and hopefully provide another reason for young professionals to call Kerrville and the Hill Country home.
Schreiner Banking Program David A Martin 2023-06-15 05:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David A Martin 2023-06-15 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

Our club welcomed the newest member, Toby Appleton, with Schreiner University.
Jessica Belschner is joining our Rotary Board of Directors, so thank you Jessica for stepping up to serve.
Check your email and RSVP for the Rotary New Member Happy Hour on June 22 at Jimmy and Bekki Hutto's house. Food, drinks and great fellowship are party of the offerings, as you get to know the newest  members of the club better.
If you are on the Scholarship Committee and still reviewing the applicants, please turn those in soon.
Our club will likely see some marginal dues increase in the near future due to meal price and Rotary International dues increases.
Rotary News you can Use David A Martin 2023-06-15 05:00:00Z 0

Families in Rotary

Brenda Thompson's sister in law had a stroke, so please keep Curtis and their family in your prayers.
Families in Rotary David A Martin 2023-06-15 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation Tidbit

Every Rotary Year the incoming club board is asked to set a goal for the club’s contributions to The Annual Fund of The Rotary Foundation. As you know The Annual Fund helps fund some of our club projects through District Grants. For the past five years our club has met or exceeded the stated goal for contributions to The Annual Fund. This year our goal is $30,000. As of June 10, 2023 we have contributed $17,000 toward the goal. There is still time to meet our goal. But it will take all of us to do it. If you haven’t yet contributed, now is the time for you to step up and make that contribution. If you have contributed, please consider making an extra gift. Your gifts allow The Rotary Foundation to Do Good in the World. And that includes Kerrville. 
Rotary Foundation Tidbit Doug Whinnery 2023-06-15 05:00:00Z 0

Brent Ringo- Kerrville ISD Superintendent

Dr. Brent Ringo, KISD superintendent provided the program last Wednesday. Brent has been coming to the Kerrville area for many years, so moving here was coming back to familiar territory. His career included starting as a teacher, and eventually moved into a principal position, and finally into administration, working in both large and small districts in Texas.
Kerrville ISD educates about 4,900 students in the district, and about 60% of those are defined as economically disadvantaged. In addition to the basic and college preparatory classes typically offered, Tivy High School offers numerous technical pathways to train students in specific trades so they have a clear direction to pursue leaving high school.
Some of those trades include Aviation Ground School, Accounting and Financial services,  Manufacturing and Machinery Mechanics, Animal Science, Automotive, Carpentry, Culinary Arts, Cybersecurity, Design and Multi-Media Arts, Digital Communications, Healthcare and Teaching and Training.  Certifications were awarded to 423 students this year in a variety of these technical fields.
Dr. Ringo indicated that compensation is one of the biggest issues in recruiting and retaining teachers in Texas. Unfortunately, the most recent Texas Legislative session ended without addressing increases in teacher pay, since there is ongoing disagreement between the House and Senate about public versus private school funding. This could be addressed in an upcoming special session.
Brent Ringo- Kerrville ISD Superintendent David A Martin 2023-06-12 05:00:00Z 0

Prayer, Pledge and Song

It was a family affair, as Judy Eychner led us in the Prayer and Pledge, and George Eychner led us singing Happy Birthday to the June Birthdays.
Prayer, Pledge and Song David A Martin 2023-06-09 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

The Guadalupe River Cleanup is scheduled for July 22. Our club will be participating, and will do the stretch of the river and River Trail from G Street to Schreiner University.
Brenda Thompson reported on the Membership Challenge, and several goals have already been met. A survey will be coming your way soon, so please answer the questions to help make our club better.
Kristi Shepherd reported on her trip to Melbourne, Australia, for the Rotary International convention. She thanked the club for her opportunity to learn new skills and become inspired for the upcoming year.
The New Member Party will be June 22 at Jimmy and Bekki Hutto's house, from 5:30-7. New members will be welcomed to the club and all current Rotarians are invited to get to know the new members. Food, drinks and Fellowship!  RSVP via the email sent last week.
Here's the new members:
Rotary News you can Use David A Martin 2023-06-09 05:00:00Z 0

Families in Rotary

Mark Armstrong had a heart attack, so please keep him and his family in your prayers.
Families in Rotary David A Martin 2023-06-09 05:00:00Z 0

Wine is Fine

Bill Rector was wearing his Rotary pin when his name was called, so he won a bottle of wine.
Wine is Fine David A Martin 2023-06-09 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation Fact

ROTARY DIRECT SAVES... ✔ Time — Sign up once to give continuous support ✔ Money — Lower administration costs means more money for programs ✔ Lives — Give to The Rotary Foundation to do good in the world
Rotary Foundation Fact Doug Whinnery 2023-06-09 05:00:00Z 0

2023 Rotary Youth Citizenship Awards

Jeff introduced Col. Jack Lousma USMC. 
 The complete poem by Edgar Guest
I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day; 
I'd rather one should walk with me than merely tell the way. 
The eye's a better pupil and more willing than the ear, 
Fine counsel is confusing, but example's always clear; 
And the best of all the preachers are the men who live their creeds, 
For to see good put in action is what everybody needs.
I soon can learn to do it if you'll let me see it done; 
I can watch your hands in action, but your tongue too fast may run. 
And the lecture you deliver may be very wise and true, 
But I'd rather get my lessons by observing what you do; 
For I might misunderstand you and the high advice you give, 
But there's no misunderstanding how you act and how you live.
When I see a deed of kindness, I am eager to be kind. 
When a weaker brother stumbles and a strong man stays behind 
Just to see if he can help him, then the wish grows strong in me 
To become as big and thoughtful as I know that friend to be. 
And all travelers can witness that the best of guides today 
Is not the one who tells them, but the one who shows the way.
One good man teaches many, men believe what they behold; 
One deed of kindness noticed is worth forty that are told. 
Who stands with men of honor learns to hold his honor dear, 
For right living speaks a language which to every one is clear. 
Though an able speaker charms me with his eloquence, I say, 
I'd rather see a sermon than to hear one, any day.
Service above self and other factors were the criteria that helped select the students. 
Neil & Gina Griffin along with Steve Schmidt 
And Two Treasures with 70 years combine service.
With that Jeff introduces Crystal White to introduce the selected students.

All together
David Danielson pastor at Impact Christian Fellowship lead the benediction.
2023 Rotary Youth Citizenship Awards Jeff Anderson 2023-05-31 05:00:00Z 0

Families in Rotary

Posted by Marta Diffen on May 31, 2023
General Schellhase passed away on May 27, 2023.  Visitation is today, May 31 at Grimes Funeral Chapels from 5 PM to 7 PM.  Services are scheduled for 10 AM, Thursday, June 1 at St. Peters Episcopal Church, 320 St. Peter St., Kerrville. 
He graduated from Tivy High School in 1952 and went on to have a long and storied military career. After his military service, he and his wife, Barbara, moved back to Kerrville. In the early 1990s, because of his deep fondness for architecture and restoration, he and Barbara  took on the five year project to renovate the AC Schreiner home on Water Street. Also, once back in Kerrville, General Schellhase served on a variety of boards and was very involved in community service, including serving in our own Rotary Club of Kerrville. 
Families in Rotary Marta Diffen 2023-05-31 05:00:00Z 0

Ring the Bell

Marta opens with introducing Jeff Anderson who made introductions.
Ring the Bell Marta Diffen 2023-05-31 05:00:00Z 0

George's Song

George Eychner led us in playing on his trumpet The Star-Spangled Banner
Later in the program he again played God Bless America
George's Song George Eychner 2023-05-31 05:00:00Z 0

Kerrville Public School Foundation

Jen Wittler, Executive Director of the Kerrville Public School Foundation, provided the program at the meeting last Wednesday.
The KPS Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1987, and it provides grants and resources that further the educational experience of students. Some of the programs KPSF provides include Grants for Innovative Teaching, Instant Impact Grants, Scholarships and the Teacher of the Year awards.
The Foundation is funded through private donations and special events, including Trivia Night. For more information, here's the website.
Kerrville Public School Foundation David A Martin 2023-05-28 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

Jeff Talarico was recognized by Marta for his contributions to the club and the community. In addition to being a past president of our club and  assistant District Governor, Jeff has been involved in numerous organizations including the Kerrville Public School Foundation, the 4H annual fund raiser, Schreiner University and auctioneer for many events.
Mike Wilson gave an update on the Citizenship Awards program which will be next Wednesday. He thanked the committee members who will be presenting the awards, and was especially appreciative of Sara Cotton's work in organizing and coordinating all the awards winners information for the program.
The Josh the Otter Safety Program wrapped up last week, and Dave Rittenhouse thanked all the Rotarian volunteers who helped at the elementary schools in the area.
Kristi Shepherd was recognized for her work in the program.
Woody Lockhart was presented the Josh of the year award.
Brenda Thompson reported on the progress on the Membership Challenge for our Rotary Club.
Rotary News you can Use David A Martin 2023-05-28 05:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David A Martin 2023-05-28 05:00:00Z 0

George's Song

George Eychner provided The Rain Song to the tune of Deep in the Heart of Texas.
George's Song David A Martin 2023-05-28 05:00:00Z 0

Wine is Fine

Leslie Rambin was wearing her Rotary pin when her name was called, and won a bottle of wine.
Wine is Fine David A Martin 2023-05-28 05:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellows

Stockton Williams received his Paul Harris +4 .
David Martin received his Paul Harris +5.
Paul Harris Fellows David A Martin 2023-05-28 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Fact

What is a Rotary Foundation Benefactor?
A Rotary Foundation Benefactor is a person who has notified The Rotary Foundation that they have made provisions in their final estate plans to Rotary for US $1,000 or more, or who has made an outright gift of US $1,000 or more to The Rotary Foundation's Endowment.
Rotary Fact Doug Whinnery 2023-05-28 05:00:00Z 0

George's Song

George Eychner leads us in singing the May birthdays songs
George's Song George Eychner 2023-05-17 05:00:00Z 0

Killdeer Mountain Manufacturing

Kristen Hedger, senior vice president for business development with Killdeer Mountain Manufacturing, provided the program at the meeting last Wednesday.  She grew up in Kerrville, graduated from Tivy High School, and spent summers in North Dakota.  
Kristen's grandfather founded the company in North Dakota in 1987, as he had a desire to provide stable employment for the people in Killdeer N.D.  The company manufacturers copper and fiber optic wire harnesses for commercial and military aircraft. These components are often referred to as the "nervous system" of airplanes.
Their Killdeer North Dakota facility employs 460 people in that area, but has now expanded to the Kerrville community. Killdeer Mountain Manufacturing is currently in a temporary facility here, while their future plant near the airport is being remodeled to accommodate their needs. They employ about 55 people locally, and plan to expand the Kerrville operation as their company grows. Killdeer is partnering with Schreiner University to train students in the engineering and manufacturing fields.
Killdeer Mountain Manufacturing David A Martin 2023-05-13 05:00:00Z 0

George's Song

George Eychner led us in singing the Air Force song, in honor of our speaker Kristen Hedger, of Killdeer Mountain Manufacturing.
George's Song David A Martin 2023-05-13 05:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David A Martin 2023-05-13 05:00:00Z 0

Rotarian Highlight

President Marta highlighted Rotarian Danny Wheat of our club. Danny has been involved in our community, and a Rotarian for many years, so it is good to see him back at our club.
Rotarian Highlight David A Martin 2023-05-13 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

Volunteers are needed for the Josh the Otter program at several local Elementary Schools. Dave Rittenhouse and Ashley Phillips are heading up the effort, so please contact them or sign up on our Club's website  
Rotary News you can Use David A Martin 2023-05-13 05:00:00Z 0

Wine is Fine

David LaBrot was wearing his Rotary pin when his name was called, so he won a bottle of wine.
Wine is Fine David A Martin 2023-05-13 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Fact

As one of its earliest community service ventures, Rotary built a public restroom near Chicago’s city hall between 1907 and 1909. More than a century later, improving sanitation remains a major focus of Rotary projects.
Rotary Fact Doug Whinnery 2023-05-13 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation

Our gifts to The Rotary Foundation allow Rotarians to accomplish amazing things. In 2022-23, The Foundation has already funded 413 district grants, 654 global grants, and 259 disaster response grants. Each of these grants is an example of Rotary members working with communities to address their ongoing challenges or find solutions to emerging ones.
Rotary Foundation Doug Whinnery 2023-05-06 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

Volunteers are needed for the Josh the Otter program at several local Elementary Schools. Dave Rittenhouse and Ashley Phillips are heading up the effort, so please contact them or sign up on our Club's website  
Rotary News you can Use David A Martin 2023-05-06 05:00:00Z 0

Josh the Otter

George, Ashley and Dave sang the Josh the Otter song.
George Eychner explained to us that Josh the Otter was started by a family whose son (Josh) drowned, and they felt compelled to do something so that the chance of other children drowning is reduced. Our Rotary Club has adopted the program and educates hundreds of school age children each year.
Some fun otter facts: A group of otters floating together is called a raft. It is common for otters to hold hands when sleeping so they don't drift apart. There are 13 species of otters in the world, ranging in size from about 3' to 6' long. They do not instantly know how to swim when born, but are taught early on by their mothers. 
Josh the Otter Dave Rittenhouse 2023-04-26 05:00:00Z 0

Wine is Fine

Ashley Phillips was wearing her Rotary pin when her name was called, so she won a bottle of wine.
Wine is Fine 2023-04-26 05:00:00Z 0

Club Update 

Our president Marta Diffen provided an update on various aspects of Rotary International and our Rotary Club.
While at a conference years ago, she learned something that stuck with her: to motive people, concentrate on strengths, not weaknesses. We all have strengths, so use them through our Rotary club to help locally and globally.
Out club is incredibly active, but on average we lose about twenty members per year, so adding new members is an ongoing goal. 
Here are a few of the many opportunities to provide community service through Rotary, so find something that interests you and volunteer.
1.  Blue Santa- gifts for those in need at Christmas time.
2.  Bell Ringing at Gibson's for the Salvation Army.
3.  Tree Watering at the Rotary Grove.
4.  Scholarships for Youth.
5.  Josh the Otter Water Safety Program.
6.  Support Peace Making.
7.  First Responders support.
8.  Youth Citizenship Awards.
9.  Veterans Pantry and Annual Breakfast.
10. Rotary Foundation support.
11. Highway trash clean up.
12. UGRA River Clean up
13. Rise Against Hunger.
14. Labor Day Walk-a Fun
15. Polio eradication.
Rotary Direct is an easy way to donate any amount, small or large, on a recurring basis to help fund the many programs that Rotary International provides.
Click here for more information:  Rotary Direct 
Club Update David A Martin 2023-04-23 05:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David A Martin 2023-04-23 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

Volunteers are needed for the Josh the Otter program at the several local Elementary Schools. Dave Rittenhouse and Ashley Phillips are heading up the effort, so please contact them or sign up on our Club's website  
The annual Rotary Club picnic is scheduled for May 3 at 5:30 at the River Star Event Park. This will take the place of our regular noon meeting. Please RSVP using the email you receive from Rotary.
The Rotary District Conference is May 6 in San Antonio.
District Raffle Tickets are available from Kristi Shepherd.
Guadalupe River Trash Clean up is scheduled for July 22.
Help is needed to water the new Rotary Grove trees along the River Trail near the Trailhead Beer Garden . Contact Janelle Peralt ( to sign up for this easy volunteer opportunity. 
Rotary News you can Use David A Martin 2023-04-23 05:00:00Z 0

Membership Challenge

There is a Rotary district wide challenge for membership, taking place from April 1 through June 30.
Brenda Thompson explained there are a number of things our club will be doing to meet the challenge.
1. Bringing potential members to lunch.
2. Inducting new members.
3. Hosting one new member recruitment event.
4. Surveying club members to get input.
5. Brenda will be doing a Membership Moment at upcoming meetings.
6. Contacting previous members to about visiting the club again.
7. Inviting community leaders to learn about our club.
If you have been thinking about inviting someone to Rotary, now would be a great time.
Membership Challenge David A Martin 2023-04-23 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Tidbit

Area of Focus: Environment. Rotary supports activities that strengthen the conservation and protection of natural resources, advance environmental sustainability, and foster harmony between people and the environment. For example, clubs working together could train and educate communities in conservation and resource management to preserve, protect, and sustainably use natural resources.
Rotary Tidbit Doug Whinnery 2023-04-23 05:00:00Z 0

Wine is Fine

Weir Labatt was wearing his Rotary pin when his name was called, and won a bottle of wine.
Wine is Fine David A Martin 2023-04-23 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

The annual Rotary Club picnic is scheduled for May 3 at 5:30 at the River Star Event Park. This will take the place of our regular noon meeting. Please RSVP using the email you receive from Rotary.
The Rotary District Conference is May 6 in San Antonio.
District Raffle Tickets are available from Kristi Shepherd.
Guadalupe River Trash Clean up is scheduled for July 22.
This Spring the Rotary Club of Kerrville will be providing Josh the Baby Otter Water Safety sessions to second and third graders at local elementary schools.
We need your help! 
Please go to our ClubRunner Home Page, left hand side, "Club Events" list (note there is a button for "View More" Events | Rotary Club of Kerrville ( and click on the Josh events for which you can volunteer.  When the event opens, you click on the "Members" Button underneath "Online Registration" and enroll.
Last year we reached out to 1,300 students at ten local schools.  Here is a list of the eight schools we have scheduled so far (more to come!):
 - April 21st: Ingram Elementary (9:55 AM and 10:45 AM)
 - April 25th: Hill Country Youth Ranch at Ingram (3:30 PM)
 - May 2nd: Tally Elementary (9:55 AM and 1 PM)
 - May 5th: Harper Elementary (10:30 AM and 11:00 AM)
 - May 12th: Hunt Elementary (12:30 PM and 1:15 PM)
 - May 12th: Starkey Elementary (10 AM and 1 PM)
 - May 15th: Nimitz Elementary (9:00 AM and 10:00 AM)
 - May 15th: Tom Daniels Elementary (10:00 AM and 1:20 PM)
We have two schools on both the 12th and 15th of May, so those days we need lots of volunteers.  Also, next week we have our first session at Ingram.
Everyone can play a part in this, even those who have never done this before.  A typical session is:
  • Introduction.
  • Go over Fun Otter Facts (ex. what do you call a group of floating otters = a "raft").
  • Read the Josh the Baby Otter Book - each child is given a book to use during the session, it is then collected back.
  • Sing the Josh song: "Learn to Float".  We have a CD and we use a "Boombox" to play the CD.
  • Say the Water Safety Pledge.
  • Pass out coloring books, crayons and stickers (as available) for the children to take with them.
  • Our "props" include Josh the Otter hand puppets and a floating Baby Josh, and some people need to engage the children with these.
I am confident that you will find this to be a rewarding and fun event.
Thank you for your support.
Dave Rittenhouse
Upcoming meetings:
Apr 19, 2023
Club Update
Apr 26, 2023
Rotary Club
May 03, 2023
Club Picnic
Chamber Luncheon 
May 18th Kroc Center
 Youth Citizenship Awards
May 31st Kroc Center
Rotary News you can Use David A Martin 2023-04-12 05:00:00Z 0

First Responder Awards

The annual First Responder Awards were presented at the meeting on April 12.
Jeff Talarico led us in the Prayer and Pledge.
George Eychner and his trumpet started the meeting in a patriotic fashion.
A big thanks go to Jeff Wendling and Jeff Harris for all their work in organizing this program. It was well appreciated by our club and all the First Responder attendees.
First Responder Awards David A Martin 2023-04-12 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation Thought

After being in Rotary for about five years, I became very active in both the administration of the Club and many of its service projects. Consequently, I developed an excellent understanding of the good that Rotary was doing in my community and throughout the world. Rotary’s efforts to end Polio were especially attractive. In addition to contributing on a regular basis through Rotary Direct, I found other ways to contribute, such as supporting our Club’s Annual Pints for Polio event, and our District’s annual fund raiser for the Rotary Foundation. I am pleased to see that my money and my service is helping to make a difference in our community and the world.

                                            David Rittenhouse

Rotary Foundation Thought Doug Whinnery 2023-04-12 05:00:00Z 0

Guatemala Update Jane Ragsdale

 Jane Ragsdale showed a film to start with. She has been going to this one village for over 12 years.
The village folks were happy to see the Missionary visitors.
Long road getting there
This village has no running water no electricity. 
Kristy can be seen in the middle
Through grants they supplied large cases of medical supplies to surrounding villages.
They are also teaching the basics to the prekindergarten kids.  While the kids are in school the moms are taught how to sew. They are using a foot powered sewing machine. Cloth and thread an such were provided for the moms. Missionary folks also provided school supplies to 162 kids. Also a nursing scholarship was provided to a young lady to attend in Guatemala City. Kristy also provided tooth brushes and tooth paste, these items went quickly.
 Getting any kind of supplies in country is very difficult. Not everything they have tried works. The non smoking cook stove is an example. They did not know they had to dump ashes. They have arranged to have some people shipped to a hospital ship off shore for operations. Marta advised us that the Rotarians in the room helped make this happen.
Guatemala Update Jane Ragsdale Jimmy Hutto 2023-04-05 05:00:00Z 0

Families in Rotary

Tim  Campbell's mother passed away, so please keep their family in your prayers.
Bob Schmerbeck's wife passed away , keep their family in your prayers
Families in Rotary Jimmy Hutto 2023-04-05 05:00:00Z 0

Prayer and Pledge

Kenneth Early provided some tidbits about this day in history, and the prayer and pledge at the meeting last Wednesday.
Prayer and Pledge David Martin 2023-04-02 05:00:00Z 0

Christian Women's Job Corp

Carolyn Northcutt
Rotarian Carolyn Northcutt introduced Edna Vandiver, the Executive Director of the Christian Women's Job Corp. CWJC was established in 1999, and provides a well rounded program that provides spiritual, professional and personal growth for local women.
Edna Vandiver
Many women who enter the program have had difficult lives, and are in need of a positive direction. This program provides classes and guidance on a variety of topics including money management, healthy relationships, interviewing, resume and computer skills in a Christian centered environment.
CWJC has a great success rate, with 90% of the graduates being employed or continuing on to trade school or college.
Courtney Ayala was a 2017 graduate, and now works as a administrative assistant at CWJC. In her words, she came to the program broken, scared and lost. Courtney received the care and skills she needed to put her life on a positive path, and is a success story on how people can change.
Courtney Ayala
The program is successful due to a variety of volunteers and donations. Volunteers teach classes, make meals, provide assistance with transportation, child care, the food pantry, clothing and basic needs. 
For more information, volunteer or donate, contact them at  830-895-3660 or click here.
Christian Women's Job Corp David Martin 2023-04-02 05:00:00Z 0

Marta's tribute

President Marta provided a tribute to her dad, a Vietnam veteran, whom she lost last year. Through a memoir her dad wrote to Marta and her sister, she has learned of the arduous  missions the veterans faced in the war, and better understands the difficulty of their adjustment when they returned to the states.  The veterans from the war were recently honored at a Courthouse ceremony for their service.
Marta's tribute David Martin 2023-04-02 05:00:00Z 0

Commercial Vehicle Accident Investigation

Charlie Chipman provided the program last Wednesday on Commercial Vehicle accident investigations. He is a Tivy graduate and now lives back here in Kerrville.
Charlie was formerly a police officer in the Austin Police Department, including time as a motorcycle patrolman. He has been investigating commercial vehicle collisions for many years, and has his own consulting firm. Current semi trucks have much more electronics, power equipment and safety controls that trucks used to have, but accidents still happen.
Several examples were presented to show how eye witness accounts of a crash are often not accurate at portraying the whole scenario of an accident. Witnesses may see only a portion of the incident, or their line of sight may be blocked by vehicles, so Charlie's job is to decipher all the clues at the scene and recreate what happened.
Many vehicles have a Crash Data Recorder that provides a record of a vehicle's speed and maneuvering during the crash. Police officers body cams can also be helpful in providing video of the scene immediately after the collision.
Commercial Vehicle Accident Investigation David Martin 2023-03-23 05:00:00Z 0

Prayer and Pledge

Roy Boudreaux provided the prayer and pledge to start the meeting.
Prayer and Pledge David Martin 2023-03-23 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation Fact

Area of Focus: Basic Education and Literacy. Rotary supports activities and training to improve education for all children, and literacy for children and adults. For example, clubs working together could provide programs that strengthen a community’s ability to provide basic education and literacy to all.
Rotary Foundation Fact Doug Whinnery 2023-03-23 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

The Josh the Otter water safety program for elementary age kids is gearing up for visits to area schools in May. If you would like to help, contact Dave Rittenhouse:

The Veterans Breakfast will be held April 7.
The First Responders fundraiser Golf Tournament will be April 10th, and the luncheon honoring the First Responders will be the following Wednesday April 12th.
Highway Cleanup April 15th meet at Talley. Meet @ 7:00 then trash pickup from 7:30 - 9:00
District Raffle Tickets are available from Kristi Shepherd.
Guadalupe River Trash Clean up is scheduled for July 22.
Upcoming programs:
Carolyn Northcutt
Mar 29, 2023
Christian Women's Job Corp
Jane Ragsdale and Kristy
Apr 05, 2023
Guatamala Update
First Responders
Apr 12, 2023
Awards Luncheon
Marta Diffen
Apr 19, 2023
Club Update
Apr 26, 2023
Rotary Club
May 03, 2023
Club Picnic
Rotary News you can Use Jimmy Hutto 2023-03-15 05:00:00Z 0

Families in Rotary

Jimmy Hutto will have heart surgery on March 20th. He will have the 
Watchman installed. Pray for Jimmy & Bekki.
Once this has healed I will be of blood Thinners for ever. And my risk of stroke goes down 90%
Families in Rotary Jimmy Hutto 2023-03-15 05:00:00Z 0

Wine is Fine

John Forister was wearing his Rotary pin when his name was called, so he won a bottle of wine.
Wine is Fine John Forister 2023-03-15 05:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Awards

Marta gives Paul Harris Awards
Leslie is awarded  Paul Harris plus 3
Trey Atkission awarded a Paul Harris plus 3 and a Paul Harris plus 4
George is awarded a Paul Harris plus 5
Marta is awarded a Paul Harris plus 7
Paul Harris Awards Jimmy Hutto 2023-03-15 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation Tidbit

There’s a reason Rotarians donate to The Rotary Foundation: It’s a simple way to achieve your philanthropic goals – whether it’s supporting clean water, the eradication of polio, or a particular global grant. Any gift can be donated to a specific fund – End Polio Now, an individual global grant, or one of Rotary’s areas of focus. Even the smallest of gifts can be donated to a specific fund – a global grant, polio, or an area of focus within the World Fund.


Doug Whinnery

Rotary Foundation Tidbit Doug Whinnery 2023-03-15 05:00:00Z 0
George's Song and Pledge George Eychner 2023-03-15 05:00:00Z 0

Solar Eclipse

Jeff Stone provided the program on the upcoming Solar Eclipses. Jeff formerly worked for NASA and helped train crews on the shuttle flights. He has seen a number of eclipses, and the first one was in Mexico in 1991. As he explains, it was a phenomenal event that hooked him for life. He has even built his own telescopes for night sky viewing.
Jeff tells us that the best place to observe an eclipse is on top of a hill, where you can see the shadow coming on the horizon. During the  four and one half minutes of the total eclipse, you will be able to see the sun's corona while the moon blocks the actual outline of the sun. It is always there but not visible to us because of the brightness of the sun.
There are some interesting things to notice leading up to and during the total eclipse. Planets and stars will become more visible shortly before totality. The approaching shadow is a surreal experience as it leads up to darkness. You may notice a perceptible drop in temperature, and the wind may pick up, die down or change. Shadows will become much sharper, and the color of the sky will change. Wildlife and birds may act differently, thinking night is approaching. 
The annular eclipse will be on October 14, 2023 and the total eclipse will be April 8, 2024. Kerrville is fortunate in that we will be right at the epicenter for both events. You don't want to miss this because the next one in the U.S. isn't until 2044.
Jeff also spoke about the importance of keeping the night sky as dark as possible. Plants, birds and wildlife have adjusted to the daily cycle of day and night, and excessive lighting disrupts their life-sustaining behaviors such as reproduction, nourishment, sleep and protection from predators.   Kerrville has recently passed a dark sky ordinance, so when installing new light fixtures or when  replacing existing ones, be sure to buy dark sky friendly fixtures. They are no more expensive than regular lights, and will help keep our skies as dark as possible. In general, avoid upward directed light, and use warmer temperature lighting (3,000 degrees K or less).
Solar Eclipse David Martin 2023-03-09 06:00:00Z 0

Interact Students

 Tivy Interact Club leaders Cadence, Trevor and Tillman joined our meeting and gave a report of their activities over the past few months.  Covid put a damper on their club for the previous two years, but they are now very active in the community, and members have volunteered for a number of projects including the Rotary Walk-a-Fun, Rise Against Hunger,  the Homecoming Parade, packaging  meals for the Dietert Center, the Starkey Sausage Supper, the Kerrville Triathlon, Adopt a Highway, Bell ringing for the Salvation Army, The Croc Harvest Festival and the Lions Camp.
Interact Students David Martin 2023-03-09 06:00:00Z 0

George's Song

George Eychner led us in singing "You are my Sunshine" in honor of our program about the eclipse.
George's Song David Martin 2023-03-09 06:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David Martin 2023-03-09 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

Janelle Peralt reported that the Blood Drive was very successful, as 29 people donated blood last week. Thank you to all who volunteered.
Marta Diffen reported that our club and the local Interact Club participated in the District Days of Service by helping organize the Hill Country Crisis Council's storage room. They worked for four hours last Saturday and sorted, labeled and organized clothes to help this very worthwhile organization.
Marta also tested our Rotary knowledge by asking if anyone knew what a "Rotary Ann" was.  In the not so distant past, Rotary was a men's only club, and the wives of members were often known as Rotary Ann's. After a Supreme Court Decision in 1987, women were finally allowed into the club. Our own Betty Vernon was the third woman who joined our club in 1991, so we've come a long way.
The Josh the Otter program on Water Safety for Elementary age kids is gearing up and volunteers are needed to go to the local elementary schools to help out. COntact Dave Rittenhouse if you are able to volunteer. 412-302-7301 Cell
Bob Schmerbeck was recognized as being a Rotary member for 55 years, and has perfect attendance. Congratulations, and thank you for 55 years of service!
Rotary News you can Use David Martin 2023-03-09 06:00:00Z 0

Families in Rotary

Jimmy Hutto is having a heart procedure on March 20, so please keep him in your prayers.
Families in Rotary David Martin 2023-03-09 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation Tidbit

When we contribute to The Rotary Foundation, we make it possible for Rotary to do more than promote literacy, alleviate poverty, and improve people’s health. We bridge continents and connect cultures. We empower individuals and communities with the skills and resources they need to tackle their most pressing issues – by providing training and education, improving access to clean water and sanitation, protecting the environment, or preventing and treating disease. Our gifts have significant life-changing power.
Rotary Foundation Tidbit Doug Whinnery 2023-03-09 06:00:00Z 0

Wine is FIne

Kim Woods was wearing her Rotary pin when her name was called, and won a bottle of wine.
Wine is FIne David Martin 2023-03-09 06:00:00Z 0
Rotary Days of Service Jimmy Hutto 2023-03-01 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Theme for March

March is Water and Sanitation Month – Over 750 million people in the world lack access to safe water and more than 2.5 billion people lack access to adequate sanitation facilities.
Rotary Theme for March Jimmy Hutto 2023-03-01 06:00:00Z 0

Vincent T. Luciano 

Jeff introduces                                      Larry Leitha 
Larry when he was a pup introduces  Vincent T. Luciano 

Vincent T. Luciano II, Regional Director for Central Texas Region

As Regional Director of the Central Texas Region, Vincent T. Luciano II will be responsible for coordinating all DPS functions, including personnel, for the region. Luciano began his career with DPS in 1995 and most recently served as the major of the Criminal Investigations Division (CID) in North Texas Region. Luciano has more than 27 years of service with DPS. He served as a Texas Highway Patrol Trooper from 1996 to 1998, and a Criminal Law Enforcement Trooper from 1998 to 2000. Luciano then promoted to sergeant in DPS Narcotics in Lubbock before promoting to lieutenant in 2007 in Corpus Christi. He was promoted to CID lieutenant, then captain, and in 2018 promoted again to major. Prior to his career with DPS, Luciano served two years with the Nueces County Sheriff’s Office where his assignments included jailer and sergeant.  

Luciano holds a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Norwich University and a master’s degree from the University of Incarnate Word in applied administration with a focus in organizational development. Luciano is a graduate of the FBI National Academy Class 257 and Northwestern Staff and Command College. He has been twice awarded Director’s Citations from DPS as well as the FBI Director’s Award. Luciano served in the United States Marine Corps, Army National Guard and is an Infantry Combat Veteran of Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom 3.

The San Antonio Region is 44 counties and has 11,000 Employees.

History of DPS

In March 1927, the "License and Weight Division" was formed to address the escalating problems of increased traffic, and the continual damages caused by large trucks on the narrow state roads. These new inspector positions were staffed by State Police units equipped with motorcycles, and would enforce motor vehicle laws and regulations. Concurrently, the Texas Rangers would continue to conduct the State's law enforcement investigations.

In 1931, during the Great Depression, Texas and other states created a movement that sought to “reform the administrative machinery, and to reduce the high cost of state government.”[4] The Texas Legislature enrolled Griffenhagen and Associates, “specialists in public administration and finance who had worked on similar projects throughout the United States and Canada, to make a survey and act as consultants.”[4] The firm concluded that Texas’ exceptional geographic size caused the Rangers and the License and Weight Division to struggle in providing adequate enforcement across the entire state. The firm also noted the State Highway Patrol’s inability to enforce felony charges, which burdened the Rangers with excessive enforcement responsibilities, when they were already overworked. Additionally, the firm negatively reported on the state of Texas utilizing the National Guard for law enforcement along the border. Recommendations were made to accumulate the necessary finances to create a state law enforcement agency. Four bureaus—Administration, State Police, Rangers, and Fire Prevention—were suggested to be created with the implementation of the new force.

The findings of Griffenhagen and Associates were ultimately unpopular across the state, and the Texas Senate created a committee to conduct its own survey of the State's law enforcement. As a result of the committee findings, on January 24, 1935, Senate Bill 146 was introduced. The bill created a "Department of Public Safety" that housed both the Rangers and the State Highway Patrol within one collective organization. The bill received final approval on February 18, 1935, and was sent to the House before finally reaching a joint committee for final revisions. On May 3, 1935, the final bill was voted on and passed, but without two-thirds approval.[5]

 Vincent talked about drugs and criminals coming across the Texas border. As long as there is money to be made this will not change, The cartels don't care about anything but making money. He then answered questions from the members.

Vincent T. Luciano 2023-03-01 06:00:00Z 0

Special Rotarians

President Marta thanked the members Wynita Yancy, E A Hoppe, and Austin Dickson.
For working on strategies to strengthen our club's support of Rotary Foundation
Special Rotarians Marta Diffen 2023-03-01 06:00:00Z 0

Kerrville City Manager E.A. Hoppe

City of Kerrville E.A. Hoppe provided the program last Wednesday, and updated us on current topics of interest. E.A.'s family has been in the Texas Hill Country for seven generations, so he feels right at home in Kerrville.
There are many challenges that our area faces, and managed growth is a topic that the city often discusses. The Kerrville 2050 Comprehensive Plan is a set of goals and vision to guide decision making over the next few decades. It was developed with input from a diverse group of citizens, and this plan is referred to constantly to shape the future development of Kerrville.
Texas is seeing significant growth, with about 230,000 people moving here every year. For reference, that's about the population of Lubbock added to the state each year.
Public Safety is a large part of the city's responsibility each year, with over 50% of  the city's budget allocated to police, fire and EMS workers, and similar departments.
Public Works is also important, keeping our roads and infrastructure safe and reliable for residents and visitors alike.   Kerrville is a regional hub for 9 counties, and our population swells to about 50,000 during the day. Maintaining an adequate water supply is critical, and strategic planning has been put Kerrville in a good position with the Water Reuse Facility and the Aquifer Storage and recovery systems.
The Parks and Recreation department stays busy managing and planning our resources for a good quality of life, and positive economic impact. Amenities include the Kerrville Sports Complex, Tennis Center, Kerrville Schreiner Golf course (which turned 100 years old recently), Community Festivals, the River Trail and Kerrville Schreiner Park.
Planning and Development is an ongoing process in the area. Challenges include providing housing for local workers, staff for businesses and day care for families. The city's codes are being reviewed and updated, and Kerrville's downtown area is becoming more vibrant, with new businesses moving into the city's core. 
Kerrville City Manager E.A. Hoppe David Martin 2023-02-25 06:00:00Z 0

What members mean to Rotary

 Marta recognized Jimmy and David for their work on the Spoke.
She also recognized Asley Phillips and Donna Peterson on their work on posting events on line.
What members mean to Rotary Marta Diffen 2023-02-15 06:00:00Z 0

Valentines Day 

David Jones volunteered to be the MC for this event. He told us what a woman means when she says things like "Fine" This is the word women use at the end of any argument when they feel they are right but can't stand to hear you argue any longer. It means that you should shut up. Thanks David for a job well done!!!
Denise Lemeilleur read to the group about What is Love?
Woody Lockhart was the first to tell the story of how he met his wife Karen
Gena Daniels told us the great story on how she met Jim. There were some tears in the room.
Gabriel Alonso was the nest speaker. Before he was to be married to Amy his Dad had some advise.
He said you can be right or you can be happy. He then said he has been happy for 25 years. Way to go Gabriel!!
Todd Odom was the final speaker. We all could feel the love while Todd was talking about Janee.
One of our Rotarians, Tom Hamilton and Sara were in the Kerrville Daily Times on Valentines Day edition.
Valentines Day David Jones 2023-02-15 06:00:00Z 0

Wine is Fine

 Charlie was wearing his Rotary pin when his name was called, so he won a bottle of wine.
It was Angels and Cowboys, sort of fits the picture!
Wine is Fine Charlie McIlvain 2023-02-15 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

EA Hoppe
Feb 22, 2023
City of Kerrville Business Development Strategy
Vincent T. Luciano Regional Director DPS
Mar 01, 2023
The DPS in our Region
Jeff Stone
Mar 08, 2023
Building A Telescope for the 2024 Eclipe in Kerrville
Nate Smith TPWD
Mar 15, 2023
Saving the Guadalupe Bass
Charlie Chipman
Mar 22, 2023
Commercial Vehicle Collison Investigation
Monday April 10, 2023
Hello My Fellow Rotarian! 
I have some Exciting News to pass along!! The 6TH Annual First Responders Golf Tournament 2023 Is Scheduled!    
Tournament Date is Monday April 10, 2023 at Riverhill County Club... Tournament Flyer is attached.  
Again we are asking for your help and support to ensure that this is again a HUGE Success!!
The Tournament will be held at Riverhill Country Club, on Monday April 10, 2023
Schedule of Events:
Registration and Lunch: 11:00
Putting Contest: 11:30
Shotgun start: 12:00 SCRAMBLE - Par Is Your Friend... if you are putting for a bogey... pick it up!
Scoring: Immediately After Play
If you want to sign up to play, please submit your team by the end of the day on Wednesday April 5, 2023 so the Golf Professionals can prepare and arrange for our event.  
Once Again, all Funds Raised will benefit 1st Responders in our area and provide them with Needed Additional Training and for Continuing Education.
These Men and Women that will benefit from this are your local Law Enforcement, Kerrville/Kerr County Fire Department/EMS and our much needed and used Area Volunteer Fire Departments as well.
To ensure that we have an enjoyable round of golf with ample opportunity to be able to give back to those who give so much to us, the field will be limited to the first Twenty (20) teams or eighty (80) players.
There are several ways to participate and support this meaningful event.
  1. Sign up a team and play $150/player or $500 for a team of 4 ($100 savings to sign up a team)
  2. Support through Sponsorship, there are many different Levels to Support
  3. Donate to the Cause with a Monetary Tax Deductible Donation
  4. Volunteer your time to help with Registration and Putting Contest
Please see the attached Registration Form which has the schedule of events, registration form so you can sign up individually or as a team... Don't worry, if you cannot or do not play golf... you can also support the event with a tax deductible monetary donation.
Thank you in advance for your Rotarian Support!
Your humble 1st Responders Support Committee
Jeff Harris, USMC
(512) 876-9199 Cellular
"Often Tested, Always Faithful, Brothers Forever"
Rotary News you can Use Jimmy Hutto 2023-02-15 06:00:00Z 0

Red Badge for New members

Red Badge for new member. 
Aimee Chockley got her red badge as new member of Satellite Rotary.
Way to go Aimee!!
Red Badge for New members Denise LeMeilleur 2023-02-15 06:00:00Z 0

George's Song

George Eychner led us in the February Birthdays song 
George's Song George Eychner 2023-02-15 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation Fact

In January 2023 The Rotary Foundation Trustees established two temporary funds to assist Pakistan and Ukraine, two areas that are facing extreme need.

The Pakistan Flood Response Fund and the Ukraine Response Fund address the humanitarian crises caused by devastating flooding in Pakistan and the war in Ukraine. Donors can give directly to relief efforts led by Rotary members.

Doug Whinnery <>
Rotary Foundation Fact Doug Whinnery 2023-02-15 06:00:00Z 0

Schreiner Basketball games

Close to 12 Rotarians attended the games. A good time had by all. Thanks to Marta for setting this event up!!!
Schreiner Basketball games Marta Diffen 2023-02-11 06:00:00Z 0

Families in Rotary

Rick Cunningham is in a rehab facility in Houston, and is recovering from his hospital stay and bout with Covid.
Ashley Phillips and her husband welcomed their new son Case into the world earlier this week.
Sue Whinnery is recovering from shoulder surgery.
Marta Diffen's step mom is in the hospital with a likely broken hip. 
Stockton Williams received his doctorate degree recently, so congrats Stockton!
Families in Rotary David Martin 2023-02-11 06:00:00Z 0

Tom Moser and Man's role in Climate Change

Tom Moser presented the program last Wednesday on Man's role in Climate Change.  Tom retired from NASA after fifty years, working on numerous programs. He founded The Right Climate Stuff, and presented information detailing his study of the the issue.
Tom Moser and Man's role in Climate Change David Martin 2023-02-11 06:00:00Z 0

George's Song

George Eychner led us in singing America the Beautiful.
George's Song David Martin 2023-02-11 06:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David Martin 2023-02-11 06:00:00Z 0

Wine is Fine

Bill Tucker was wearing his Rotary pin when his name was called, and won a bottle of wine.
Wine is Fine David Martin 2023-02-11 06:00:00Z 0

The Big Event success

Our Rotary Club's Big Event fundraiser was held last Saturday, and was a big success. Early figures project that net funds raised are over $50,000.00. This fundraiser provides money for all of our community service programs and scholarships, so thank you to all who bought and sold tickets and tables, donated and collected items for the auction, and volunteered at or attended the event.
The Big Event success David Martin 2023-02-11 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation Tidbit

When I chose to become a ROTARIAN, I had a hope that in some modest way, I could go out & “make a difference” in this troubled world in which we live.  I choose Charity Navigator to guide my giving & as you noted, ROTARY comes up at the very Top of good folks to donate to.  Our efficiency of getting the funds to where the donors want is Stellar -  I suspect because of our international family of volunteers across the globe – like the people in OUR club.  ROTARY delivers! (as recognized by the Gates Foundation and others)

                                                                      **   Anonymous   **

Rotary Foundation Tidbit Doug Whinnery 2023-02-11 06:00:00Z 0

Schreiner basketball games

This Saturday, Feb 11 starting around 4 pm at the Schreiner University Event Center, the SU basketball teams are playing University of Dallas. Our Rotary Club will be in the Summit Suite starting at 4 with food and refreshments-(beer and wine). Morning Rotary and Kiwanis members have also been invited. We will plan on 4 pm to 6 pm. 
The teams are doing well and play fast and furious basketball.  They are really something to watch!!  C'mon out and see what all the excitement is about and enjoy time with your fellow service club members.
Schreiner basketball games Marta Diffen 2023-02-11 06:00:00Z 0

Tom Fraiser

Clint introduces our guest                      Tom Frazier This is a link for a short film.
Tom is starting a program to teach the Texas seventh graders about Texas history.
Also trying to market the program.
  The historians acknowledged that the committee had a difficult assignment; Donald Frazier, the chair of the subcommittee in charge of drafting the pamphlet, called squeezing the entirety of the state’s history into little more than a dozen pages a “herculean task.”
For more info on the 1836 project see link
He earned the trust of the people. All he does is read dead people's mail to determine history.
Others make assumptions on how an event happened then they cherry pic facts to match their own conclusions.
He is also on the Museum Planning Committee This committee will get things going.
This next link shows what they are planning for the plaza.
What this plan has going for is the big Mo (momentum). Got to keep going when you have the big Mo. Volunteers are always welcome. 
By 2050 the population will double in Texas. We need to teach the new people about what Texas is all about. If someone is new to Texas take them out the see where history happened.
When he was asked about he told them that Mexico had Texas. They wanted to get it settled.
After the Americans moved to Texas they did not like the way Mexico ran Texas. So the Texans took Texas from Mexico.
Tom held every ones attention during his presentation and did not use notes.
He then had time for questions.
Tom Fraiser Jimmy Hutto 2023-01-25 06:00:00Z 0

Families in Rotary

   Please keep Rick Cunningham in your prayers, as he has been in hospital since the day after Christmas. He should be getting out this week
  Please keep Gena and Jim Daniels in your in your prayers since Jim has issues.
  Sue Whinnery had holder surgery this week keep the Whinnery's in your prayers.
Families in Rotary Jimmy Hutto 2023-01-25 06:00:00Z 0

George's Song

George Eychner led us in singing the main event song.
George's Song George Eychner 2023-01-25 06:00:00Z 0

Wine is Fine

Kenneth was wearing his pin when his name was called so he won a bottle of wine.
He noticed that it was his favorite because it had alcohol in it!
Wine is Fine Kenneth Longacre 2023-01-25 06:00:00Z 0

Foundation Facts

Why we support The Rotary Foundation:
The Foundation accomplishes great work with other Rotarians worldwide. We know our gifts are well managed and used effectively. We want to see a world where everyone has access to clean water, health care, and education. The Rotary Foundation makes that possible. 
Foundation Facts Doug Whinnery 2023-01-25 06:00:00Z 0

Systems Go- Rocketry Program

The program last Wednesday was presented by Rebekah Hyatt, the executive director of Systems Go. This is a high school rocketry program that utilizes science, technology, engineering, and mathematics courses (STEM). Is is an independent program that is available to any high school.  
Systems Go first program started at Fredericksburg High School in 1996, and has expanded to seventy eight schools in several states. One of the big differences between this program and the traditional high school classroom experience is that failures are used as learning opportunities. Rocket launching doesn't always go perfect, and students learn from their mistakes. They work with budgets and timelines, and have to prove mathematically how their rockets will work. Students also gain experience by writing technical reports documenting their rocketry project.
Systems Go- Rocketry Program David Martin 2023-01-14 06:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David Martin 2023-01-14 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Scholarship thank you

One of the recipients of our yearly Rotary Scholarships was at our meeting. Alina McCormick is a freshman in the International Studies program at Texas A&M, and thanked our  club for the scholarship and opportunities it has provided for her.
Rotary Scholarship thank you David Martin 2023-01-14 06:00:00Z 0

January Birthdays

Those who had January birthdays were honored, and since Todd Odom was the only January birthday member in attendance, he was serenaded with the Happy Birthday song.
January Birthdays David Martin 2023-01-14 06:00:00Z 0

Main Event

The Main Event is coming soon, and you can still sign up for a table at the event, or if you want to just attend, Kristy will get you a table to sit it. Keep working on selling your raffle tickets to help raise funds for all our Rotary programs.
Main Event David Martin 2023-01-14 06:00:00Z 0

Families in Rotary

Please keep Jim Daniels, Gena's husband in your prayers.
Rick Cunningham has been in the hospital and has Covid, so keep him in your prayers.
Tyler Fine passed away recently, so please keep the Fine Family in your prayers.
Families in Rotary David Martin 2023-01-14 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation Fact

Area of Focus: Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene. Rotary supports activities that encourage the management and protection of freshwater resources and provide universal and equitable access to safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene. For example, clubs working together could improve community hygiene knowledge, behaviors, and practices that help prevent the spread of disease.
Rotary Foundation Fact Doug Whinnery 2023-01-14 06:00:00Z 0

Wine is Fine

Trey Atkission was wearing his Rotary pin when his name was called, so he won a bottle of wine.
Wine is Fine David Martin 2023-01-14 06:00:00Z 0

Trish Wilson

Clint introduced Trish
President of Trish Wilson, LLC and Executive Director of TW-Light Ministries
  Trish Wilson was born in the DFW area and transplanted to Kerrville 27 years ago. Advertising and Business Industry, She has a Masters in Diversity in Theology and use both.
Motivation speaker, Published author, Made a great presentation at the district conference. Kristy Vandenberg recommended her to speak to us. A new years head start is the name of her presentation.
time opportunity divine appointment
1st Story
 When her mom was 83 the was diagnosed with cancer.
When told, mom said well 83 was long enough. Trish said to mom but you still have a mission to help others in your same position. You will give them encouragement. Mom said that's her mission. Before surgery she told the Doctor that must meet with entire staff that was to operate on her. They met and after the surgery they said we got it but now for treatment options and she said no treatments. She is 93 now and still working on her mission. Time opportunity divine appointment.
2nd Story
 She was in line at the Dollar store and a man behind her was looking at his item and then in his pocket a couple of times. He was getting each of items like tooth paste, shaving cream, odorant, razors, all small sizes. Trish told the check out person to put all he had on counter on her tab. Went man found out he protested. She said it was her mission to help. He then said he was trying to buy $25 worth and counted his money twice. She said well now you have $25 more to help with. He said great he will ask the homeless what else they needed. Time opportunity divine appointment.
3rd Story
  Trish and husband we getting gas on west side of San Antonio when she noticed a man trying to get a ride with a sign that said California. When husband got back to car Trish 
said we need to help him. So we went and told the man we could give him a ride to Kerrville. He said he was not alone and Trish said the Lord told us to give you and whoever is with you a ride. His wife that was 9 months along got into the car. When they got the Kerrville the rider said first gas station would be fine. She ask if they could take them to bus station. Rider said no thanks this will be fine. Then Trish and husband gave rider all the cash they had on them. When they got back in the car they thought they just gave a ride to Joseph and Mary to Kerrville. Then Trish remember the $100 she kept in glove box and said go back in and give them the $100. When husband went back into store they were gone. The clerk said no one has been in the store in 25 minutes.
Time opportunity divine appointment.
4th Story
 After 13 years at the Lions Camp I was leaving. While there I met a child with no arms and no legs. He got around in his wheeled chair by blowing in a small straw. He told her that she was the best counselor ever. She ask him what he had learned, He said my mission is to make someone smile every minute. Time opportunity divine appointment.
Header Logo
She heads the above ministries
see for more info
Professional with a diverse range of experience in Customer Service, Public Relations and Microsoft Office. Worked and with non-profit as well as secular organizations and corporations. Skilled in communication strategies, event management, Public Speaking, development, donor relations and donor stewardship; special interest in community engagement and Social Media.

Can help with strategies, project and event planning, community relationships, fundraising, communications, team building and working with purpose and joy. Skilled in management and able to work with diverse groups of people both individually and corporately. Also, a motivational and inspirational speaker and author who enjoys connecting people with their purpose and passion in work and in life
Trish Wilson Jimmy Hutto 2023-01-04 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation Tidbit

Why do I support The Rotary Foundation?

  The foundation allows me to help people in all parts of the world. Without the foundation I would not be able to help.
 Jimmy Hutto
Rotary Foundation Tidbit Jimmy Hutto 2023-01-04 06:00:00Z 0

Croc Center and Salvation Army Band

Jeremiah Romack gave an overview of all the programs and services the Croc Center provides for the community, and the Salvation Army brass band played a number of Christmas songs for our enjoyment.
One of the programs offered by the Croc Center is the Boys and Girls Clubs, which provide after school programs for kids to help them reach their full potential. About ninety kids are currently enrolled, and studies have shown that these programs have a big impact on kids, improving their grades and graduation rates dramatically.
Other programs include care at the Shelter for men, women and children; clothing and furniture vouchers; emergency grocery orders,  Thanksgiving meals, and nightly meals at the Shelter; and the Angel Tree Program, which provides gifts for children at Christmas time.
The Salvation Army bell ringing campaign is all volunteer this year, and so far they are ahead of last year's pace for funds raised.  Jeremiah recognized Dave Samuel for his tireless effort in helping Rotarians sign up to ring the bell at Gibson's for this worthy cause.
Croc Center and Salvation Army Band David Martin 2022-12-18 06:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David Martin 2022-12-18 06:00:00Z 0

Desert Auction benefits Fight against Polio

Our Rotary Club had a desert auction to raise funds to eradicate polio through the Rotary Foundation. Todd Odom was the auctioneer, and $1,500.00 was raised. In combination with the previous Pints for Polio event, over $11,000 was raised this year. Thank you to all that baked, donated items, and bought items for the auction.
Desert Auction benefits Fight against Polio David Martin 2022-12-18 06:00:00Z 0
Bob Schmerbeck honored David Martin 2022-12-18 06:00:00Z 0

Families in Rotary

David and Mary Elaine Jones are at home and recovering, so keep them in your prayers.
Please keep Donna Peterson and her family in your prayers.
Families in Rotary David Martin 2022-12-18 06:00:00Z 0

Officers for next year selected

Our club's officers for the next year have been selected. Their new terms begin in July of 2023.
President: Jeff Wendling
Vice President: Kristi Sheperd
Secretary: Todd Odom
Board Members: Brenda Thompson, E.A. Hoppe, Mary Campana, Donna Peterson, Trey Atkission, Greg Faldyn
Officers for next year selected David Martin 2022-12-18 06:00:00Z 0
Marta's Paul Harris recognition David Martin 2022-12-18 06:00:00Z 0
Delivering goods to CAM Jimmy Hutto 2022-12-08 06:00:00Z 0

Families in Rotary

 Tiemann’s were ill (Bill Covid & Sue quarantine), Freda Wendling was ill, David Jones was in ICU with Covid (Mary quarantine). David got out Saturday he and Mary are quarantined for rest of the week. Laura Labatt recovering from illness. 
Prayers for these folks and their families.
Families in Rotary Jimmy Hutto 2022-12-07 06:00:00Z 0

Bell Ringing at Gibsons

Sign up to ring the bell and raise some money for the programs to help the needy again this year. Dec 17th is open.
Lets Get Er Done!!!
Bell Ringing at Gibsons Jimmy Hutto 2022-12-07 06:00:00Z 0

Christmas Party

Tea and tater fixings
Below the fireplace are the can goods we took to Cam
Hors d'oeuvres
Two tables of Desserts
The stage for the Band
The Christmas Tree
In front of Christmas Tree
Dancing with Bekki
Christmas Party Jimmy Hutto 2022-12-07 06:00:00Z 0
Awards for Kerrville Rotary Club Jimmy Hutto 2022-11-30 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

Our Club is Ringing the Bell for the Salvation Army again this year at Gibson's. Sign up to help via our website:  - we are ringing on Saturdays up until Christmas.
Dave Samuel is heading this up, so if you have any questions or need help signing up, contact Dave:
Charlie McIlvain led us in signing a song that George prepared, getting us ready for the holidays.
Families in Rotary
Please keep President Marta in your prayers as she recovers from COVID.
The Rotary Christmas party is Wednesday December 7th, and takes the place of the regular lunch meeting. It will be at the Buckhorn RV Resort, which has a great meeting room for fellowship and dinner. It is at 2885 Goat Creek Rd., just north of I-10. Fellowship from 5:30 to 6:30 with a cash bar (wine and beer), Dinner at 6:30 and music until 8:30. Bring can goods where we can donate to area charities.
Saturday December 10th is the annual Blue Santa distribution. We will need volunteers for this event.  It is at Ronnie Bock's RV starting at 8 am until noon. Please contact Stephanie Skrumeda to sign up. 830-370-5789
The morning shift at Bock's will be assembling the bags that will be distributed at both Ronnie Bock's & the Doyle Center. We will also load the food bags into the recipients car. 
Rotary News you can Use David Martin 2022-11-24 06:00:00Z 0

Joint meeting with Rotary and Kiwanas

Last Wednesday was our annual pre-Thanksgiving joint meeting with the Kiwanas Club.
Jeff talks about both clubs commitment to community service.
Kristy got everyone to move around and visit with members of the other club, and we found commonality in our goals and ideas for service.
Joint meeting with Rotary and Kiwanas David Martin 2022-11-24 06:00:00Z 0

District Conference success

Kristy reported that the District conference was a big success, and thanked all who volunteered their time for this event in Kerrville.
Tammy Prout was honored at our meeting for her contributions.
The District Conference Service Project for Endangered Children sponsored by the D5840 Combat Human Trafficking Rotary Club was led by Amy Barag and JoAnn Browne. Rotarians who attended the 2022 District Conference filled150 backpacks filled with various hygiene products, combs, brushes, quilts, dental products, journals, Walmart gift cards and snacks.
The backpacks will be shares with 3 different 501c3 non-profits: Caring Hope, Ransomed Life Texas and Mercy Gate Ministries Kerrville. Thanks to all for their monetary and product donations and loads of thanks to PDG Kristy Vandenberg for supporting their efforts. (photo and summary courtesy of the district website)
District Conference success David Martin 2022-11-24 06:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David Martin 2022-11-24 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation 

Why do you support The Rotary Foundation?

  I support the Rotary Foundation because of the "End Polio Now" initiative. One of my childhood friends and his father both had polio so I know firsthand the impact of this dreaded disease. Incidentally they both recovered but my friend is experiencing health problems today as a result of the virus remnants.  With that background I find it to be absolutely amazing that a volunteer service organization could take on the task of eliminating polio and succeed in doing so in the United States and almost in the entire world. To me that's an organization and a cause I want to be a part of!
            George Eychner
Rotary Foundation David Martin 2022-11-24 06:00:00Z 0

Sixteenth Air Force

Major Adam Steinmetz provided the program on the Sixteenth Air Force, in honor of Veterans Day.
The Sixteenth Air Force is headquartered at Lackland AFB in San Antonio, and gathers and integrates intelligence in cyber and electronic warfare. The Sixteenth has a global presence in 128 locations worldwide, with 48,000 personnel.  
Adam went to Brigham Young University and took classes in the Russian language. He later took a mission trip to Russia, and learned to speak the language better. Adam's wife is originally from the Ukraine, so the recent war brought home the reality of the conflict. 
Sixteenth Air Force David Martin 2022-11-21 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Tidbits 

Why do you give to The Rotary Foundation?
My dad was a Rotarian which, I admit, as a child meant little to me – other than he’d regularly go to meetings, even when we were on vacation.  What did make an impression on me however were his stories about diseases of his childhood.  My dad was born in 1915.  Even out in the “boonies” of the South Texas farm where he lived, it seemed no one was immune from the influenza epidemic, scarlet fever, or polio.  He lost friends, acquaintances and community members to these diseases.
Fast-forward many years later, when a friend invites me to a Rotary meeting.  At the first mention of polio, I recall my dad’s stories and suddenly I understand his commitment to Rotary.  While Dad has since passed on, I know he would be tickled pink to know that his daughter is one of over a million Rotarians who saw polio eradicated in our lifetime.
Gena Daniels
Charlie McIlvain provided a big thank you to all the Rotarians who helped out on the District Conference, which wrapped up last week in Kerrville.
Rotary Tidbits David Martin 2022-11-21 06:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David Martin 2022-11-21 06:00:00Z 0

Tom Terrell visits the club

Long time Rotarian Tom Terrell was able to join us for the meeting. Tom was instrumental in organizing the Veterans Day programs for many years, and it was great to see him and his wife again. 
Tom Terrell visits the club David Martin 2022-11-21 06:00:00Z 0

Blue Santa

Saturday December 10th is the annual Blue Santa distribution. We will need volunteers for this event.  It is at Ronnie Bock's RV starting at 8 am until noon. Please contact me to sign up. 830-370-5789
The morning shift at Bock's will be assembling the bags that will be distributed at both Ronnie Bock's & the Doyle Center. We will also load the food bags into the recipients car. 
Stephanie Skrumeda
Blue Santa Stephanie Skrumeda 2022-11-21 06:00:00Z 0

Veterans Breakfast

The annual Veterans Breakfast was held on November 11. It was a good turnout with plenty of heart warming food and fellowship.
Veterans Breakfast David Martin 2022-11-21 06:00:00Z 0

Why your important to Rotary

Marta picked today the whole club because all contribute to the Club. We are powerful in the way we weld the Club to the outside.
Why your important to Rotary Marta Diffen 2022-11-09 06:00:00Z 0

Kelly Atkinson The Power of One

District Governor, Carol Holmes - Club Visits and Installations | District  5840
Carol Holmes introduced Kelly
Kelly Atkinson is a dynamic speaker and walked around the entire room while speaking. See more
his bio see
All one people, Love and understanding, Be that change in another, Look out instead of in. 
Kelly's North Star
Showed a clip of a couple of singers Jonathan Antoine and Charlotte Jaconelli on Britain's got Talent. After hearing them sing they got a standing ovation. Charlotte made a difference in his life!
When Kelly was growing up he lost his brother to leukemia. Both his parents worked and no one taught him how to do anything. His nick name was Smelly Kelly. His was bullied a lot. One day a teacher ask to meet him after school. Once there the teacher (Mr. Graybill), He said tomorrow bring clothes and will be taught how to wash clothes. He also brought a tooth brush. 
As time passed Graybill ask Kelly what he enjoyed doing? Being bullied he said he could fight or run. He could run fast. Teacher said your grades aren't good enough for sports. So started tutoring Kelly. Soon enough grades were good enough for sports.
                                                         This rings true 
Graybill got promoted to principle. Every three or four days it came over speaker Kelly report to Office. Kelly enjoyed going because he knew he would learn something. Make me a Mr Graybill!!
Kelly Atkinson The Power of One  Jimmy Hutto 2022-11-09 06:00:00Z 0

Pints for Polio

The Pints for Polio event was held at the Trailhead Beer Garden on the Schreiner University campus on October 22. This annual event raises funds to eradicate polio across the globe. Thank you to all who attended and sponsored the event.
Pints for Polio David Martin 2022-10-22 05:00:00Z 0

Kerr County Bond Election

Pete Calderon and Brenda Hughes presented an overview of the upcoming Kerr County Bond Election.
A citizens committee was created three years ago to evaluate county facilities and develop solutions. The needs identified were to enhance facility safety, address building code, ADA and infrastructure issues, improve public access and maximize value for Kerr County residents.
The Bonds are broken into three parts.
Proposition A: Courthouse and Facilities: $13,685,000.
Proposition B: Hill Country Youth Exhibit Center indoor arena: $8,065,000.
Proposition C: Animal Control Facility:  $5,750,000.
Summary of Proposition A: The Courthouse was built in 1926 when security and handicapped accessibility were not considered. The jury room is state mandated to be larger than it currently is, and the county IT room is undersized.  In addition to resolving security issues at the courthouse, a new county facility is proposed to be built on county owned land near Ingram Tom Moore High School. It will house a tax office, JP office, courtroom, constable office and sheriff's substation. A county storage facility will also be built on county owned land off of Spur 100.
Summary of Proposition B: The HCYEC indoor arena has not been upgraded in forty years. There are numerous building code issues and the facility has no restrooms. Proposed upgrades include a new concrete floor replacing the dirt floor, ADA compliant restrooms, resolving drainage issues, improvements for code compliance, additing classroom space and a teaching kitchen and providing roof repairs. In addition to making the building safer and improving the facility, the upgrades will attract more local and outside groups which currently will not consider renting the facility because of the poor conditions.
Summary of Proposition C:  The current animal control facility is a residential structure that is undersized for the current needs, does not meet state and federal requirements, and is deteriorating. The proposed solution is a new building to be built on county owned land on Spur 100. The facility would include meet current requirements, provide for future growth, meet state and federal requirements, provide better access for the public, enhance the ability to spay and neuter animals and provide rabies vaccinations, and expand the kennels.
The bonds will be voted on separately, and the day to vote is November 8 in the general election.
Kerr County Bond Election David Martin 2022-10-22 05:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David Martin 2022-10-22 05:00:00Z 0
Paul Harris award David Martin 2022-10-22 05:00:00Z 0

Dwayne Hopkins District Governor

Kristy introduced the governor Dwayne Hopkins
 Mr. Dwayne F. Hopkins is currently the Executive Director/CEO for Fisher House, Inc. providing services to military families in need during medical crisis. Mr. Dwayne F. Hopkins retired from active duty with 29 years of military service as an Air Force Command Chief Master Sergeant. Mr. Hopkins has a Bachelor of Science in Professional Aeronautics from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. He also earned a Master’s Degree in Procurement/Acquisition Management with an emphasis in Leadership and a M.B.A degree from Webster University. Mr. Hopkins was awarded the United States Air Force Legion of Merit and two Bronze Stars during combat operations. Mr. Hopkins is a member of the the San Antonio West Rotary club and Rotary District 5840 District Governor.Mr. Dwayne F. Hopkins is currently the Executive Director/CEO for Fisher House, Inc. providing services to military families in need during medical crisis. Mr. Dwayne F. Hopkins retired from active duty with 29 years of military service as an Air Force Command Chief Master Sergeant. Mr. Hopkins has a Bachelor of Science in Professional Aeronautics from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. He also earned a Master’s Degree in Procurement/Acquisition Management with an emphasis in Leadership and a M.B.A degree from Webster University. Mr. Hopkins was awarded the United States Air Force Legion of Merit and two Bronze Stars during combat operations. Mr. Hopkins is a member of the the San Antonio West Rotary club and Rotary District 5840 District Governor.
  Dwayne has a hobby. Its cars, and the best place for him would be to be driving his 68 corvette listening to the Beach Boys. 
 He spoke in reference to CARS
Community involves getting grounded. Taking care of projects. Letting the community know what we are up to.
All around town, area and even international.
is for Rotary. Rotary takes care of Rotarians. Look around
the room to insure your friends are not in need of anything.
S is for story. Tell your story. You just never know how this will effect folks around you. 
Dwayne Hopkins District Governor Jimmy Hutto 2022-10-12 05:00:00Z 0

George's song

George Eychner leads us in the Here Comes the Judge
George's song George Eychner 2022-10-12 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation Fact

  PolioPlus. Since 1988, Rotary and our partners have immunized nearly 3 billion children against polio. As of June 2021, Rotary had committed more than $2.2 billion to global polio eradication. In 2021-22, program awards, including PolioPlus Partners grants, totaled $152.9 million. 
Doug Whinnery
Rotary Foundation Fact Doug Whinnery 2022-10-12 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

The Rotary District Conference needs volunteers for a variety of tasks, including putting together backpacks of essential toiletries to give to endangered youth that are coming off the streets. The conference is November 9-11, so if you can help out, contact Kristy Vandenberg.
The Pints for Polio fund raiser is October 22 from 3-6 pm at the Schreiner Trailhead Beer Garden. Please help with this worthy cause to eliminate polio.
November 12 is the Veterans Day parade in Kerrville, and November 11 is the Veterans Breakfast.
The First Responders golf tournament is April 10, and the First Responders luncheon is April 12.
Rotary News you can Use Jimmy Hutto 2022-10-12 05:00:00Z 0

Wine is Fine

Gena Daniels was wearing her Rotary pin when her name was called, so she won a bottle of red wine. 
Wine is Fine Gena Daniels 2022-10-12 05:00:00Z 0

Upcoming meetings

The Role of KEDC in Economic Development
Rotary District Governor Dwayne Hopkins
Oct 12, 2022
Vision for the Year
Proponents and Opponents
Oct 19, 2022
The Kerr County Bond Issue
Jack McGuire, San Antonio Rotary
Oct 26, 2022
The Corrymela Peace Conference
Doug Whinnery
Nov 02, 2022
Rotary Foundation
Kelly Atkinson
Nov 09, 2022
The Power of One
Nov 16, 2022
Joint meeting with Kiwanis
Nov 23, 2022
Thanksgiving meeting
Kerrville Robotics Alliance
Nov 30, 2022
What Are We?
Rotary Christmas Party
Dec 07, 2022
Rotary Christmas Party
Jeremiah Romack and Salvation Army Band
Dec 14, 2022
Christmas Program
Christmas break
Dec 21, 2022
No meeting
Christmas break
Dec 28, 2022
No meeting
Upcoming meetings Jimmy Hutto 2022-10-12 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

The District Conference is November 9-11 in Kerrville. We are trying to fill 100 backpacks for young people at risk. Toiletries are especially needed. You can donate the items or funds to help with this worthy cause.
Pints for Polio is October 22 at the Trailhead Beer Garden at the Schreiner University Campus, 3-6 pm. Wine or other adult beverages are needed for the wheelbarrow raffle, so if you can donate a bottle, see Amber Thomason. Sponsors are needed for this event. You can earn Paul Harris points for donations- see Kristy Vandenberg.
Dave Samuel is volunteering at Morgan's Wonderland in San Antonio for their Halloween event. He is taking candy with him for the kids (no peanut products), so if you are able, bring some candy to give to Dave for his trip.
Dave Samuel is also heading up the annual Ringing the Bell at Gibson's to raise funds for the Salvation Army as they help those in need. Look for more information to come soon.
Thank you to all who donated blood during the recent Blood Drive.
The quarterly Trash Pick up was a success, and a big thank you goes to all who participated, and to Todd Odom who coordinates this event.
Rotary News you can Use David Martin 2022-10-09 05:00:00Z 0

Kerrville Economic Development Corp.

Gil Salinas provided the program on the KEDC mission and accomplishments.
The KEDC is funded by the 4b sales tax in Kerrville. The funds generated by this 1/2 cent sales tax can be used for economic development such as infrastructure for new or expanding businesses. The recent Killdeer Manufacturing company that moved to town,  or recent James Avery expansions are examples of the use of the funds.  They can also be used for quality of life projects, like the river trail.
The Kerrville EDC focuses on several areas including Corporate Recruitment, which works to bring appropriate companies to the area, which adds to the tax base and provides good paying jobs.  They also work with local schools, helping find grants to train high school students in various fields, to help bolster the Workforce in the area. Business Retention and Expansion is important, which helps existing business grow and prosper.
The EDC also helps with Entrepreneurship, organizing events and forums to help small businesses. And finally, they provide Marketing and Branding for our area to attract new businesses to the area.
Kerrville Economic Development Corp. David Martin 2022-10-09 05:00:00Z 0
October Birthdays David Martin 2022-10-09 05:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David Martin 2022-10-09 05:00:00Z 0

Families in Rotary

Please keep the following Rotarians in your thoughts and prayers:
Gabriel Alonzo recently had a procedure and is doing well.
Jimmy Hutto is doing well after his ablation procedure.
Bekki Hutto had foot surgery last Friday.
Families in Rotary David Martin 2022-10-09 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation Fact

District Grants support small-scale short-term projects related to the Foundation’s mission. In 2020-21, the Foundation approved 467 district grants which totaled $31.1 million
Rotary Foundation Fact Doug Whinnery 2022-10-09 05:00:00Z 0

Wine is Fine

Ingrid Painter was wearing her Rotary pin when her name was called, so she won a bottle of wine.
Wine is Fine David Martin 2022-10-09 05:00:00Z 0

Superintendent Dr. Mark Faust

Clint introduced                   Superintendent Dr. Mark Faust 
Almost 4,900 kids
Superintendent Dr. Mark Faust Jimmy Hutto 2022-09-28 05:00:00Z 0

Blood Drive

Blood supplies are critically low right now. Rotary Club of Kerrville is honored to once again partner with South Texas Blood & Tissue in support of their life saving mission and is hosting a blood drive on Friday, September 30 from 10 am to 3 pm at Crenwelge Motors located at 301 Main Street, Kerrville, Texas. 
Appointments are required and you can sign up here:
Thank you in advance for living into service above self and donating blood to help save lives. 
Blood Drive Marta Diffen 2022-09-28 05:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge Weir Labatt 2022-09-28 05:00:00Z 0

Hill Country College Fund

Schreiner University's annual Hill Country College Fund drive provides funds for scholarships for many students in the Hill Country area.
Mark Tuschak provided an overview of Schreiner University, and said the freshman class was 372 students, the largest ever. Research has shown that the average distance college students are from their home to the college they attend is 51miles, and at Schreiner, it is right at that figure.
The university has begun to concentrate on recruiting more heavily in the Hill Country area, particularly in rural schools, and it has paid off, with a 100% increase in enrollment from the local area. They are now offering areas of study that these students are interested in including engineering, computer science and agriculture. Schreiner also looks beyond the typical GPA and class ranking to find students who have potential and who would be a good fit, and they have had success with this approach.
Annalise Schoening is a sophomore at Schreiner, and spoke about her reasons for coming to Schreiner. 
She started a jewelry business when she was young, and knew she wanted to major in business, and eventually get her MBA. Annalise likes the small classes at Schreiner, and is involved in numerous student activities, including the Songkeeper's Group, where students are encouraged to write their own music. Her future plans could include event planning, motivational speaking and publishing some of her writings or songs. 
Annalise is a great example of outstanding students that Schreiner University brings to Kerrville, and the Hill Country College Fund provides scholarships to many students who otherwise would not be able to attend.
Hill Country College Fund David Martin 2022-09-22 05:00:00Z 0

Upcoming Events

Mark your calendar     
This Saturday 9/17/2022 is the Rise Against Hunger program where we help create 15,000 meals. So come to Schreiner University to help. Let Marta know and she will tell you where.      
November 4th is a First Friday Wine Share Hosted at Veterans Center on Meadowview
This wine share is hosted by Rotary & Elks jointly.
We also shared expenses between Rotary & Elks for the following sign to be displayed at Veteran Center
This sign is to let it be known this is a food pantry for the Veterans. 
Join Rotary District 5840 as we celebrate how Rotary Changes Lives!!!
Three great experiences in one!  Attend the Rotary District 5840 Conference Nov 9-11 at the Y.O. Ranch Resort & Conference Center in Kerrville and experience a great Texas hotel and one of a kind Museum of Western Art. Learn more about Rotary and have a great time networking! 
The Rotary Grove near the Trailhead Beer Garden at Schreiner University needs volunteers to help water the new trees that were planted in honor of deceased Rotarians.  Looking for folks to help in September on September 7th.  Janelle Peralt is coordinating volunteers. Please contact her to help out.
Christmas get together is Dec 7th at Buckhorn
Upcoming Events Jimmy Hutto 2022-09-14 05:00:00Z 0

Sheriff Larry Leitha and Captain Jason Waldrip

Larry talked about his four year plan. 
  1. He was dealing with Co-Vid, & Snowmageddon. This meant the supply chain was not good. short on parts and vehicles. Since he was under budget he took down his numbers for the next year. He won't do that again.
  2. This year he dealt with rising inflation on everything. Gas, food, parts and human smuggling.
  3. Inflation and human smuggling. Both causes cost to go up.
  4. Inflation, Hiring personal like jailers and dispatchers
  • 2021 calls 13,700
  • 2022 calls 12.200
  • 2020 Police stops 726
  • 2021  "          "      1589
  • 2022  "          "      4000
  • This means they are affecting more people in Kerr county. Some are tickets some are warnings
  • 2021 mental health calls 155
  • 2022      "       "         "      124
  • these calls take between 4 and 8 hours each.
Captain Jason Waldrip
Jason talked about how to pay for all the items needed. They are a lot of grants to apply for. Two big ones are Lone Star ( a Texas State grant) and Stone Garden ( a Federal grant)
They have to ask themselves if its right or wrong? One arrest that involved 2 smugglers a 6 human traffickers. The main help was intel gathering. Kerr country has started sharing intel so much others law enforcement agencies wanting to find out how Kerr county is doing it. In the old days no one would share intel. This is because the were thinking someone else might make the bust. The more you share the more you learn.
The Special Operations Unit is getting National attention. 
Sheriff Larry Leitha and Captain Jason Waldrip Jimmy Hutto 2022-09-14 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation Weekly Fact

Here is this week's:

 The Rotary Foundation has seven Areas of Focus. Global Grants must support one of the following Areas of Focus: Peacebuilding and conflict prevention; Disease prevention and treatment; Water, sanitation, and hygiene; Maternal and child health; Basic education and literacy; Community economic development; and Environment.

Doug Whinnery
Rotary Foundation Weekly Fact Doug Whinnery 2022-09-14 05:00:00Z 0

Marta's Member Recognition

Clint Morse was honored by Marta for their commitment to arranging to have all the guest speakers for Rotary meetings.
Marta's Member Recognition Clint Morse 2022-09-14 05:00:00Z 0

Wine is Fine

Leslie Rambin was wearing her Rotary pin when her name was called, so she won a bottle of wine.  
Wine is Fine Leslie Wells Rambin 2022-09-14 05:00:00Z 0

Chalk Festival

Katharine Boyette, Events Coordinator for the Chalk Festival in Kerrville, spoke to us last week about this upcoming event. This annual festival, organized by the Cailloux Foundation and funded by numerous local sponsors, is October 15th and 16th, and promises to be fun for all ages. Professional artist, art teachers, budding art students and others will showcase their chalk art on the sidewalks of Peterson Plaza in downtown Kerrville, next to city Hall.
In addition to the art being created both days, there is live music, food trucks, a photo mural, corn hole toss, face painting, balloon art, a cookie walk, and free tours of the Schreiner Mansion. The art will only remain on the sidewalk for about a week after the show, so get down there to see it prime time on the weekend while it is still sharp and fresh.
This year, the beneficiary of the funds raised by the event will be Kerr Arts and Cultural Center. Over the years of the festival's existence, $245,000 has been raised and donated to local organizations.
Hours are 10-5 on Saturday, and 10:30-4 on Sunday. 
Volunteers are needed if you can lend a hand.
Chalk Festival David Martin 2022-09-08 05:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David Martin 2022-09-08 05:00:00Z 0

September Birthdays

Rotarians who were born in September had Happy Birthday sung to them.
September Birthdays David Martin 2022-09-08 05:00:00Z 0

District Conference

The Rotary District Conference will be held November 9,10 and 11 at the YO Hotel.  Fredericksburg Rotarian Judy Hutcherson says there is room for three or four more vendor tables, if anyone is interested.
District Conference David Martin 2022-09-08 05:00:00Z 0

Labor Day Walk A Fun

Thank you to all who volunteered or came out to walk along the River Trail at our annual event.
Labor Day Walk A Fun David Martin 2022-09-08 05:00:00Z 0

Todd Odom recognized

Rotary member Todd Odom was recognized by President Marta for helping out the club in many ways, and always with a cheerful attitude and a smile.
Todd Odom recognized David Martin 2022-09-08 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation Fact

Charity Navigator awarded four stars (the highest rating) to The Rotary Foundation for the 14th year in a row. This award recognizes the Foundation’s commitment to accountability and transparency to its donors.
Rotary Foundation Fact Doug Whinnery 2022-09-08 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

The Pints for Polio fund raiser to help Rotarians continue the quest to eradicate polio will be held at the Trailhead Beer Garden again on Saturday October 22. Amber Thomason is heading up the event, so contact her or Kristy Vandenberg to help or donate for this worthy cause.
The Rotary Grove near the Trailhead Beer Garden at Schreiner University needs volunteers to help water the new trees that were planted in honor of deceased Rotarians.  Looking for folks to help in October.  Janelle Peralt is coordinating volunteers. Please contact her to help out.
Rotary News you can Use David Martin 2022-09-08 05:00:00Z 0

Hello Dolly

Ed Hamilton has a number of vintage dolls available from the estate of a doll collector. Contact Ed if you would like a free doll or two. 830-257-4020.
Jimmy and Bekki Hutto expanded their family.
Hello Dolly David Martin 2022-09-08 05:00:00Z 0

Wine is Fine

Wayne Uecker was wearing his pin when his name was called, so he won a bottle of wine.
Wine is Fine David Martin 2022-09-08 05:00:00Z 0

Upcoming Speakers

Sheriff Larry Leitha and Captain Jason Waldrip
Sep 14, 2022
Office Update and Human Trafficing
Schreiner College Student
Sep 21, 2022
The Hill Country College Fund
Superintendent Dr. Mark Faust
Sep 28, 2022
School Safety
Gil Salinas and Thresa Metcalf
Oct 05, 2022
The Role of KEDC in Economic Development
Rotary District Governor Dwayne Hopkins
Oct 12, 2022
Vision for the Year
Proponents and Opponents
Oct 19, 2022
The Kerr County Bond Issue
Jack McGuire, San Antonio Rotary
Oct 26, 2022
The Corrymela Peace Conference
Doug Whinnery
Nov 02, 2022
Rotary Foundation
Kelly Atkinson
Nov 09, 2022
The Power of One
Nov 16, 2022
Joint meeting with Kiwanis
Nov 23, 2022
Thanksgiving meeting
Kerrville Robotics Alliance
Nov 30, 2022
What Are We?
Rotary Christmas Party
Dec 07, 2022
Rotary Christmas Party
Jeremiah Romack and Salvation Army Band
Dec 14, 2022
Christmas Program
Upcoming Speakers David Martin 2022-09-08 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

Labor Day Walk Of Fun is on September 5th. Put on your calendar.
The Rotary Grove near the Trailhead Beer Garden at Schreiner University needs volunteers to help water the new trees that were planted in honor of deceased Rotarians.  Looking for folks to help in September. August has plenty of volunteers.  Janelle Peralt is coordinating volunteers. Please contact her to help out.
Rotary News you can Use Jimmy Hutto 2022-09-05 05:00:00Z 0

Noah Platt - Part 1 & 2 Video

Click on the link below for the 1st Part of Noah Platt's presentation on Rotary Peace Conference in Ireland!
Noah Platt - Part 1 &amp; 2 Video Kristy Vandenberg 2022-08-31 05:00:00Z 0

Coach Jones

Tivy High School football coach and Athletic Director David Jones provided the program last Wednesday. 
Coach talked about how important it is for the students to have adult role models, and told several heart warming stories about kids that have become successful off the field after their football career in high school.  The football seniors recently had their annual Moms 101 course , where the moms take a crash course in how to play their son's position. 
Coach Jones expects good things this year.  The football team was not able to work out in the off season during the pandemic, but this summer the team has put in a lot of hard work in strength training and conditioning. 
The team needs the local community's support, so come out of Fridays and root for the Home Team!
Coach Jones David Martin 2022-08-29 05:00:00Z 0

George's Song

George Eychner led us in a football themed version of the Marine Hymn.
George's Song David Martin 2022-08-29 05:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David Martin 2022-08-29 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

The Labor Day Walk-a-Fun event is coming up on September 5th at Louise Hays Park. Put on your walking shoes and hit the pavement!
Pints for Polio fund raiser to help Rotarians continue the quest to eradicate polio will be held at the Trailhead Beer Garden again on Saturday October 22. Amber Thomason is heading up the event, so contact her to help or donate for this worthy cause.
Rotary News you can Use David Martin 2022-08-29 05:00:00Z 0
Families in Rotary David Martin 2022-08-29 05:00:00Z 0

Wine is Fine

Bill Tucker was wearing his Rotary pin when his name was called, so he won a bottle of wine.
Wine is Fine David Martin 2022-08-29 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation fact

The war in Ukraine is having devastating consequences on civilians as families flee their homes. Rotary and Rotaract clubs in Europe and around the world have taken swift action to provide food, water, medical equipment, and shelter for the refugees. The Rotary Foundation has received more than $15 million in contributions that will be used to help in these efforts.
Rotary Foundation fact Doug Whinnery 2022-08-29 05:00:00Z 0

Cary Burgess Broadcast Meteorologist 

Clint introduces                          Cary Burgess
Cary is Meteorologist for Kerrville Daily Times, KRVL, The Buck and Mike FM in Kerrville
KCBD-TV Lubbock. His nickname is Dr Doppler!
Cary said the Sheriff often contacts him to find news on possible hail storms heading our way.
He said El Paso has had more rain than Kerr County our YTD is only 5.28". Last drought was in 2011 and we had 14" total that year.
The official weather report is from the USDA. The rain gauge and wind speed in Kerrville.
What is causing the pattern is high pressure that causes sinking air and no rain.
On Average the wettest month is May and at second place is September.
He said we are going into a triple La Nina. See link below for more info.
The North American Mesoscale Model (NAM) is a numerical weather prediction model run by National Centers for Environmental Prediction for short-term weather forecasting. Currently, the Weather Research and Forecasting Non-hydrostatic Mesoscale Model (WRF-NMM) model system serves as the dynamical core of the NAM model. The WRF replaced the Eta model on June 13, 2006.[1] The NAM is run four times a day (00, 06, 12, 18 UTC) out to 84 hours, with 12 km horizontal resolution and with three-hour temporal resolution, providing finer detail than other operational forecast models. Its ensemble is known as the Short Range Ensemble Forecast (SREF) and runs out 87 hours.
The above model is what National Weather uses along with the Europe Model and a few others.
Cary Burgess Broadcast Meteorologist Jimmy Hutto 2022-08-17 05:00:00Z 0

Tivy Athletic Hall of Fame

Guy Overby provided the annual program announcing the selections for the Tivy Athletic Hall of Fame. He was joined by selection committee member Mike Dyal, a former inductee and professional football player.
There were sixty four nominations this year, and three selections.
Tamera Poppe, Joe Lara and Johnny Manziel are the selections for the 2022 season.
Tamera graduated in 2000, and was a four year letterman in basketball and softball, and went on to play softball at the University of Texas.
Joe was a 1971graduate of Tivy, and was a three year letterman on the football team, earning many honors including first team All-State defense. He played baseball for three years, and notched two no hitters as a pitcher.
Johnny graduated in 2010, and won many awards and set records on the football field playing quarterback, and he played baseball as well. He went on to play football for Texas A&M at quarterback for two years, winning the Heisman trophy as a redshirt freshman.
Tivy Athletic Hall of Fame David Martin 2022-08-14 05:00:00Z 0

Tivy Fight Song

Various years of Tivy Graduates lined up to sing the Tivy fight song to start the meeting, with George Eychner leading the way.
Tivy Fight Song David Martin 2022-08-14 05:00:00Z 0

Austin Hayes 

Austin Hayes is a UT graduate, and former recipient of a Rotary scholarship. He thanked our club, and gave a presentation about his recent experience in the Czech Republic, in a summer learning program with other college age students. 
Austin Hayes David Martin 2022-08-14 05:00:00Z 0
Prayer and Pledge David Martin 2022-08-14 05:00:00Z 0

Different Room- Same meeting

Thank you to the Salvation Army for scrambling to accommodate us in a different room when the air conditioning went out in the room we usually meet in. Thank you to Captain Jeremiah and the staff!
Different Room- Same meeting David Martin 2022-08-14 05:00:00Z 0
Paul Harris awards David Martin 2022-08-14 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

August is membership month, so bring a guest that could be a potential new member, and introduce them to Rotary.
The annual Rotary Walk-a Fun is scheduled for September 5th at Louise Hays Park. Check your email to sign up for this event that spreads the word about Rotary.
Rotary News you can Use David Martin 2022-08-14 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation minute

Rotary members used their decades of experience in the fight against polio to support local health authorities' response to Covid-19. Members volunteered at clinics, combated misinformation, helped prevent the spread of the virus, and advocated for fair and equal access to vaccines.
Rotary Foundation minute Doug Whinnery 2022-08-14 05:00:00Z 0

Wine is Fine

Sue Whinnery was wearing her Rotary pin when here name was called, so she won a bottle of wine.
Wine is Fine David Martin 2022-08-14 05:00:00Z 0
The Rotary Board Jimmy Hutto 2022-08-03 05:00:00Z 0

Charlie McCormick President Schreiner University

Marta introduced our speaker             Charlie McCormick
Next Year Schreiner University will be 100 years old
2nd pic show employees and Students
Partners                                      Student mix 1/4 of students are first generation students. First one of the family in college.
      The school is growing in so many ways. 
Charlie McCormick President Schreiner University Jimmy Hutto 2022-08-03 05:00:00Z 0

Museum of Western Art

Darrell Beauchamp, executive director of the Museum of Western Art, provided the program about the latest happenings at the museum.
The museum has gained a reputation as a first class facility, and has been voted one of the top ten museums of the west by True West Magazine. Visitors come from all over, including eight percent of folks from outside the U.S., and forty percent from outside of Texas.
The MWA recently acquired one hundred and thirty seven pieces of art and sculpture from the L.D. Brinkman Foundation Collection on a permanent loan. The museum's artwork is rotated out on a consistent basis, so there is always something new to see including four different exhibits this year.
The museum also hosts private events, educational workshops, as well as lectures and tours for the public and schools highlighting western art and the history of the west. The last Saturday in each month is Family Free Day, and one week summer camps are offered each year for school age kids.
It was founded in 1983, so the forty year anniversary is coming up.  Give the museum a visit and see what you've missed.
Museum of Western Art David Martin 2022-07-27 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

Several Rotarians were recognized for bringing guests or potential members to Rotary: Ashley Phillips, Dave Rittenhouse and Doug and Sue Whinnery.
Brenda Thompson will be a new member of the board of directors for our club, stepping in for Phyllis Ricks, who is stepping down from the board after several years of service to our club.
Jacques Dubose was wearing his Rotary pin when his name was called, so he won a bottle of wine.
George Eychner led us in singing a Guadalupe River themed song to the tune of Rolling on the River, for the efforts of all who participated in the River Clean up.
Rotary News you can Use David Martin 2022-07-27 05:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris awards

Phillip Stacy was awarded his Paul Harris award.
Leslie Wells Rambin was awarded her Paul Harris + 2.
Jeff Talarico was awarded his Paul Harris + 6.
Paul Harris awards David Martin 2022-07-27 05:00:00Z 0
Blue Badge exchange David Martin 2022-07-27 05:00:00Z 0

Families in Rotary

Jim Daniels, Gena's husband is home from the hospital, so we wish him a speedy recovery.
Families in Rotary David Martin 2022-07-27 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary News you can Use

Thank you to all who participated in the Guadalupe River Clean up.
Rotarian Mike Wilson was recognized for his contributions to the club, including his work on the District Conference planning committee and the Youth Citizenship awards.
Families in Rotary:
Please keep Gena Daniel's husband Jim in your prayers, as he is still in the hospital.
Rotary News you can Use David Martin 2022-07-23 05:00:00Z 0

Congressional Gold Medal

Dr. Mark Mosier, a local dentist and pilot,  provided the program last Wednesday on his family members who were awarded the Congressional Gold Medal. This medal is the highest award available to civilians, and is for those who have performed an outstanding  deed or act of service in the national interest of the United States.
Mark's father and