HEB pharmacy manager Amber Burress provided an overview of the COVID-19 vaccine at our last meeting. Amber is a Tivy High School Alumni, and has her doctorate in Pharmacy. 
The sequence of providing the vaccine is for front line workers first (Phase 1A- health care workers and first responders).  Phase 1B follows for older adults and those with significant underlying health conditions that puts them at a greater risk. The general population will follow after that, with persons in higher risk work settings and health conditions of moderately higher risk given priority. In Kerrville, there are approximately 3,400 heath care workers, but so far there have only been about 1,600 vaccines given. The availability of the vaccine is the issue so far- the supply has been limited. 
Kerrville is ready to roll out a large scale immunizations as soon as the vaccine is more readily available. Local officials have been planning for an event like this for over ten years, and continue to monitor and plan for distribution. Newspapers and local media will provide information on how, when and where to get vaccinated. The date of availability is a moving target, but current projections for Phase 1B is late February or March.
Here is additional information from Amber's presentation: