Rotarian Friends,
I wanted to take a moment to extend my sincere gratitude to each and every one of you for your enthusiastic participation in our recent highway clean-up on Goat Creek. Your commitment to making our community a cleaner and more beautiful place is truly inspiring.
Getting up bright and early to join forces for this service project speaks volumes about the dedication and passion that each of you brings to our Rotary family. Your willingness to prioritize community service and lend a helping hand embodies the spirit of Rotary and makes a real difference in the Kerrville community.
I am proud to be part of such a compassionate and proactive group of individuals who understand the importance of giving back. Your efforts not only contribute to the cleanliness of our highways but also serve as a shining example of what can be achieved when we come together with a shared goal.
As a token of appreciation, I have attached the group photo from the clean-up for you all to enjoy. This snapshot captures the camaraderie and teamwork that were evident throughout the day.
Once again, thank you for your unwavering support and commitment to service. I look forward to our continued collaboration on future projects as we work towards making our community an even better place for all.
Mary J. Campana
Executive Director
Habitat for Humanity Kerr County
P.O. Box 294566, Kerrville Texas, 78029
O:830-792-4844 / Cell: 512-705-9006