Posted by Kristy Vandenberg on Jun 05, 2018
Literacy & Water Safety Project:  Dates and times are being set now for all KISD schools, Harper, Ingram, Notre Dame and Hunt.  If you want to help share water safety information with the 2nd and 3rd graders, please let me know ASAP so that I can get you in touch with the coordinator at one of the schools!  Let's help prevent drownings in our area!
Josh the Otter program reached somewhere between 700 & 800 kids. This is a great idea to teach water safety to the children. Special thanks to all Rotarians who helped put the program on.
Mark your calendars NOW for the New Member Happy Hour & Party!  The date is Thursday, June 14th at Jimmy & Bekki Hutto's house.  Starting time is 5:30pm.  There will be appetizers and drinks!  I will be sending out more information in an RSVP email soon!  Please respond!
Lastly, have you planted a tree lately?  If so, let me know!!!
Charlie introduced guest & members with guest. 