Posted by Lisa on Sep 19, 2017

Greetings to All!

Kristy Vandenberg opened the meeting with the bell, then led the Rotary Club of Kerrville in a beautiful invocation which kept in our thoughts those families recovering from Hurricanes Irma and Harvey.
She then welcomed club members to join her in reciting
the Pledge of Allegiance.
After that, stepping into the figurative spotlight was
George Eychner, who almost always leads us in song.
For the Sept. 13 program, he had cleverly rewritten lyrics (as he sometimes does) -- this time to the tune of "America, the Beautiful" -- in what he said was an effort to "kiss up" to our state representative, Rep. Andrew Murr, who was a guest of honor and our speaker.
His little tune went something like this...
Kerrville, the Hill Country,
our piece of par-a-dise,
of thee we sing.
Our state rep An-drew Murr
works hard to keep it pure,
we're grateful Lord for liv-ing,
here in this great land.
It was a rousing success!
Robin Miears then introduced visiting Rotarians for the
day's luncheon, including Rep. Murr, who was a visiting
Rotarian from the Junction club.
She also introduced members with guests in attendance
at the gathering at the Inn of the Hills.