First, I'd like to add a P.S. to the Pledge of Allegiance that we repeated a few minutes ago:
               When the Continental Congress decided in 1777 to adopt a flag as the symbol of our new nation, they specified that it should have alternating red and white stripes, and  thirteen white stars on a blue field, representing "a New Constellation."
               I think you'll agree that "a constellation" is still a good description of our Star-Spangled Banner.
                I understand that our esteemed Past President and Past District Governor Doug Whinnery has been in BAMC (Brooke Army Medical Center) ion San Antonio this week, having his defibrillator adjusted.  I can identify with that.
                Please keep the Governor and Sue in your prayers, for the procedure to be completed quickly and correctly, and for their safe return home.      
                Joseph Benham,  Chairman, Family in Rotary Committee  