Clint introduces                                      Bill Raleigh             
Bill say they plan on having a football team in the year 2025. In order to get the ball rolling they need to hire a head coach. They also have to build a stadium. They will be using Tivy stadium until the buildings are built.
The three things they will be looking for from the players they recruit are
1. Academically and they want to graduate from university
2. Have a great experience while at school   
3. Successful in their sporting activites.
Having football will draw more students to the school. Schreiner has has several national championships. Football in the 30's, basketball, shotgun, bass fishing, and wrestling.
For more info see
Football was started in the 30's and canceled in the 50's at Schreiner.
These are the football time lines
Master plan field on campus
Early teams
Helmet                                                        Teams we could be playing
It will be very good for Kerrville as well as the university.