Crystal offered up some advice to the men and women of Rotary by describing just what men and women really mean when they say certain things.  See the list below:
1) Fine - For men it means just that, fine.  For women, it does NOT mean fine.
2) Nothing (as in what's wrong) - For men, it means just that, nothing.  For women, it means DEINITELY something.
3) Go ahead - For men, that means permission.  For women, that means, "I DARE you!"
4) Whatever - For women (men, take note), this means "BITE ME!"
5) That's OK - For men, this means "My way is much better than your way."  For women, this means "I'm thinking long and hard about how you're going to pay!"
6) Five minutes - For women, this means 15 minutes.  For men, "I'll be home in five minutes" might mean WAY later tonight or tomorrow morning.
7) Wow - Men, when women say this, it is NOT a compliment!
Crystal is a certified relationship counselor and is on standby for club members who need advice ;) 